Chapter 27

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{All Might p.o.v}
"I'll do it."
I look over at the direction that I heard the sudden voice and see Bakugo.
What is he doing here?
"Young Bakugo?"
"Surprised? Not really." He circles around me in pride. Not pride from finding me, but pride that he can finally face me and tell me everything he knows and everything he needs to know. Pride, from thinking he's going to be better than me someday.
I completely forgot he's compelled, so that's why he's here. But I didn't think he would find us so soon.
"You're probably wondering why I'm here. Truth of the matter is, I've known you two have been here all summer. I followed Deku every other day all the way here just to watch you guys fight like dogs. I admit, he's gotten stronger since our last fight. But it's not going to be enough to beat me or The League, that's where the line ends."
"You don't know what you're talking about."
"Damn right, I do. You're always alone with him. At first I thought he was a teachers pet. When I asked you what he means to you, you said he's your student, just like me. But when I hear you two talk about family, you act like he's your own son. I guess since he has your quirk, it sort of developed into that relationship didn't it?"
"He has his own quirk, I am just his trainer."
"Don't give me that shit. Everyone notices his is similar to yours, they just choose not to worry about it. Sadly, I'm the only one actually concerned. But you know damn well, that if he did have his own and you never met him, you wouldn't give a single care in the world about him. You wouldn't see anyone as yours and you wouldn't pass on your quirk to anyone else."
"I care about all citizens."
"Of course you say that right now. Trying to act all big and tough still? Everyone saw you on the news, your skinny and weak body, bleeding out of your mouth and actually getting bruises. It really was shocking. But for some reason, everyone has seemed to forget that that ever happened. Why is that? Did someone put a memory loss power over the country?"
"Maybe there's actually people in the world that don't judge others."
He smirks, "Or they're just a bunch of idiots that don't want to seek the truth. You see, I'm not one of those people. In order to reach the top, you have to do research as well to stay ahead of everyone else. I haven't forgotten what happened one bit. You still smile a crappy smile in your weak state, and you still smile right here in your struggling strong state in front of me. I don't think you smile for publicity and pride anymore, I think you smile to hide your sadness. Knowing that you're slowly fading away, completely out of existence once your quirk finally fails you and you won't be able to be the best hero alive anymore. Is that why you passed on your quirk to Deku? I haven't seen anyone else with that quirk, so it must be rare. And the fact that you passed on a hardcore quirk like that to a loser like him is hysterical. I still laugh from time to time just thinking about it."
"Leave, Bakugo. Don't start stuff again. Heroes don't do this and you know it."
"I recently changed to The League, as I mentioned earlier. I must say, you have more freedom there. And you can also defeat whoever you want without it reflecting on your image. If you killed me, everyone would hate you, wouldn't they? But since I'm bad, if I killed you, I would be victorious to my comrades. As long as I'm at the top, I'm the king."
"Shigaraki is planning to rule, you're just the bait that they compelled to ruin us for them. Once you're done with your task, they're going to drop you immediately and you'll be useless to them."
"That's where plans change. I may be theirs, but I'll defeat Shigaraki on my own so that I can rule. They're not going to drop me like a thot in the club. I'll be inevitable."
"You don't know what you're saying!"
"Again with that phrase? You really do know how to repeat yourself. Especially with the whole 'I AM HERE!' thing every time you walk in a room. I used to look up to you, like every child did. But every time I see you now, I want to beat that fake smile until you lose all of your teeth. Your voice annoys me and your strong body that will get weak here soon is disappointing."
"Get out of here!"
"Aw, are you intimidated by me? So scared that you won't fight?"
"Not in the slightest. You're my student and I've beaten you before anyway, remember?"
"You don't see me as your student either. Have you been training me? Anyone else before the villains? Nope. All of your attention goes to Deku. And you know what gave it away that I know it's your quirk? That day he told me he borrowed someone's quirk but I didn't believe him. But after everything I've seen, I believe him. All of the facts are flat on the table now and there's nothing you can say or do that can prove me wrong."
I just stare at him.
There really is nothing I can say against him.
"Speechless? Knowing I'm right?"
"What about Kirishima? He cried for you, he's planning to fight against Shigaraki for you. You're just going to ignore your best friend because of your selfishness?"
"Idiots get killed and that's not my problem."
"You wouldn't die for him? You wouldn't stop whoever took him or did something to him to save him?" He grits his teeth in annoyance.
"What my past self would do doesn't matter anymore. This is the present."
"Everything matters. You matter. You're only saying and doing all of this because you're compelled."
"I'm tired of talking. What matters now is kicking your ass, and if puny little Deku won't do it," he puts his fists up and gets in a fighting pose, "then I will."

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