Finally Free

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Y/n's P.O.V.

"OH MY BABY GIRL IS ALL GROWN UP AND GOING TO COLLEGE! I AM SO PROUD OF YOU MIJA!" Mom yelled into my ear whilst we hugged.

"M-Mom, I am okay r-really—"

"I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE YOU HERE ALONE!" Her voice cracked, pulling away from the hug.

You already left me for three years before, why is this any harder. If anything now that I am in college, you will see me more...

"I just got you back and now I have to leave you again!"

"Tara i-is my roommate and you k-know her from my uh, f-freshmen year of high school," I reasoned, ignoring the awkward silence when I brought up my first (and last) year of high school.

"Wasn't that the girl you made Alpha female in school and made out with in your room?" She questioned, feeling uneasy.

"Mom, t-that was three years ago, she is m-my friend and I am glad t-to be back with h-her," I said.

"So does that mean you are really friends, if you haven't spoken in three years?"

"I-I know h-her enough to trust that she is m-my good friend."

"LOOK, I'm just saying that I had bad experiences with my girlfriends in college and I just don't want to see you get hurt!" Mom defended herself.

"I k-know Mom," I pulled her back into a quick hug, "B-Besides, with her being my r-roommate, I-I can learn more about her a-and what I missed t-these past few years!"

"Okay, okay, fine. I just don't want to let you go!" She cried.

"I-I know you love m-me, b-but I also know you have a mani-pedi s-scheduled with Z-Zianna after this!" I giggled.

"But I wanna be a good mom!" She sniffled.

"You a-are! You raised me well a-and you were the r-reason why I could reform over these years f-from my trauma.
B-But now I gotta do m-my own thing," I told her, lying through my teeth about reforming.

"O-Ok," she cleared her throat. "Remember to call me!" She walked to the door and stood at the doorway, "I REALLY need this mani-pedi, because I am SO emotional!" She told herself, leaving my room.

"L-LOVE YOU MOM!" I called out the door.

Tara said she would be here in a couple minutes, so I have a little more alone time to unpack.

I walked around the room, unpacking a few necessities as I went, I left my door open so Tara could just walk right in, so I almost didn't hear her. Key word, almost. I instantly smiled when I sensed her, she looked the exact same in regards to her hair color. Still burning between a dark and light red.

"Ever h-heard of k-knocking?" I asked.

"Never heard of her! Long time no see!" Tara hugged me and I felt something cold brush against me from her face.

"Y-Yeah, about three years," I giggled. "W-What's that?"

She looked at me, confused, then suddenly as if it just hit her, "Oh, my parents said I could get an eyebrow piercing since I was old enough!" She smiled.

"You s-scare m-me," she laughed.

"You like it?" She asked.

"I-I can't see it, but I'm sure it d-does look cute on you," I responded honestly.

"Thanks! Well putting aside your mysterious three year disappearance and my weird style.... WE'RE ROOMMATES!" Tara cheered.

She walked over to her things and began taking a few things out, "S-So I am going out to u-uh, find my b-brother.
W-Wanna come?" I asked her.

An Ultima's Redemption (Garroth X Reader) (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now