Please Help Me! (The Great Rescue Pt. 1)

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Don't play song yet!

Y/n's P.O.V.

Its hurts. It hurts so bad. Father's abuse was the worst thing to happen to me until this point. Father only ever beat me at most two times a week. But Ein, Ein will only break for food and hygiene. It has been another two days, and I have completely lost hope. They got what they wanted, I'm completely broken and submissive. Old Y/n is back, and this time I don't think she is ever going to leave...

I laid on the damp floor in torn up, dirty clothing, getting hit by a belt, welts forming, blood running.

The pain I feel is constant. Even when Ein stops, it's as though he never left in the first place. I've stopped crying out in pain and shouting for him to stop. I'm so used to it, I know nothing I do will stop his process.


Someone is coming...

"Here comes your mate, Wolfy," Ein seethed into my ear, using that nickname.

I started crying when Ein said that, because I know what that means. Jax said he would be back in one day over two days ago. So if this is him coming right now, then I know what he is going to do, and I hate the thought of it... With each pounding step he took towards me, I let out another hysterical sob.

"Hello My Love, I'm sorry I kept you waiting all this time, but let's get right to it shall we?" Jax asked, but never received an answer. "Now I know you know how mating works, so let's start there and then I can place my mark on you."

I didn't move. I couldn't. I was in too much pain. All my thoughts rushed into my head at once, making me lightheaded: Why is this what I am always used for? Why does every man I meet hurt me? What did I do to deserve this? I never did anything wrong as a child. I did everything I was told. I was never bad. So why Irene, why would you wish this life on me? Please just let it stop. I just want it to stop... I was pulled from my thoughts roughly when I felt a sharp sting of pain. I cried louder and my eyes fogged over, like my soul left my body. I dug my nails into the ground as a result of the pain I felt. My eyes began to glaze over and go completely black, but... (Play song)

I know it hurts, but you're not dying. (I changed the first line)


And I know you're tired, but you're not sleeping.

It hurts....

Don't close your eyes, cause your heart's still beating. And down, together we'll fall. Together we'll fall. Together we'll fall!

I can't do this anymore!

Shhh, just listen child...: I know it's dark, but you can see me. The air is thin, but you're still breathing; not in your lungs, but you're mind's believing. And down, together we'll fall. Together we'll fall.

You've been standing on your own for far too long, for too long, for too long, for too long. And you, never found the faith to just move on. To move on, to move on, to move on. And, deep within your heart I see the light. Shouting to breaking through. Everything I know tells me I'm right. And I will fall, with you.

And from the night, there comes a new dawn. And from the fire, bring to life, rise from the ashes, there's no surrender. And down, together we'll fall. Together we'll fall. Together we'll fall!

You've been standing on your own for far too long, for too long, for too long, for too long. And you, never found the faith to just move on. To move on, to move on, to move on. And, deep within your heart I see the light. Shouting to breaking through. Everything I know tells me I'm right. And I will fall, with you.

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