Sophomore Year (End)

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Sophomore year. Done and over just like that. I breezed through this year easily, nothing happened to me for once. I wasn't kidnapped. I wasn't abused. I wasn't taken advantage of. Nothing. I'm still with Garroth, I passed all my classes, Aaron finally contacted me, and I still have all my friends. This is definitely the happiest I have ever been in forever. I don't have much to say in this entry, but here is a little summary of my year:

I started going to the doctor about my eyesight. It took us awhile to find one that we trusted with my secret and that was obviously a werewolf. We got positive feedback, but some of it I wasn't allowed to hear what it was. But Aaron seemed very strange, like he already knew the secret information. I was planning of cracking him and getting the info, but he just ignored me and brushed it off. Whatever, anyways! He said that if we let them be, (my eyes) that they could be fully healed in like 10 or more years! I know that seems like a long time, but I've gone this long, what's another 10-15 years?! But he also let us in of the fact that if we saw a healing mage, then I could be healed instantly, but I would have to wait until I was out of college because I would need two weeks with bandage around my eyes and bed rest for them to heal. So preferably out of college would be better. I obviously chose the quicker option, so we have a mage ready to contact when I get out of college. Can you guess who it is?!


She said as long as we bring her the things she needs, she would do it free of charge! I thanked her so much. I finally felt like I was changing, getting happier, getting stronger. While I was still cutting, it became more impulsive rather than a habit. So I only did it when I got really down, not everyday just because its what I was used to doing.

Garroth is graduating in a few days and I couldn't be happier for him. I'm sad to see him leave, because I won't have him in college with me anymore. But he deserves this, he worked so hard to get through college. I also feel obliged to be happy due to all the stress I put on him. I would never tell him I didn't want him to graduate, because that isn't true. There is a difference between not wanting him to graduate and not wanting him to leave me because he was graduating. BIG difference. I just don't want to be left alone. And I know I sound like a clingy girlfriend, but I love him with all my heart and I can't bear the thought of losing him.

*A couple days later*

Garroth just graduated college yesterday, I couldn't be happier for him, truly. But I uh... I think that is enough for this diary entry....

Thank you all for the support <3
525 words

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