How To Pick Yourself Up...

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It has been a few days since Gene was sent to jail, and I couldn't have felt more relieved. But nothing has changed about me. Ever since the mall, I have reverted back to my old ways: not looking men in the eyes, stuttering around everyone, and not liking people trying o touch me. All this work I put into being confident and not scared of everything and everyone, all went down the drain. Not to mention I haven't left the dorm room since that day. I have barely eaten or drank anything. I was nervous for today because Aaron texted me saying Garroth was coming to my room to tell me some news. It has me really nervous and I have no idea what it could be. My worst fear is he wants to break up with me because of what happened, but I don't think he would do that..... Right?

I laid in my bed, spacing off, just like I have done every day so far this week. Not moving or making any noise. Just mindlessly sitting there, sulking in how horrible my life is. I still have a good three hours before Garroth shows up here and Tara is about to leave for her 2 hour 30 minute class. I rolled pver and stared out the big window in front of me, taking in the landscape of the campus. It really is beautiful here..... My gaze shifted to the reflection of a person in the glass, my reflection..... I looked like crap, no wonder Garroth wants to break up with me....

Not know!

I do know! Why else would he have Aaron tell me he is coming here, why couldn't he just do it?


Whatever, what's another awful thing piled on top of my life right now? Oh!I know! The reboot of my depression.

Mental sigh.

Mental sigh is right...

I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. It wasn't too long before I awoke to the sound of someone knocking on the door. I blinked my eyes open and untangled myself from my blanket. Slowly, I maneuvered my way to the door, feeling along the wall to get there. I slide my hand across the door until I felt the handle and pulled the door open. My senses immediately picked up on mate's scent, Garroth's scent. I smiled up at him, considering he's tall, it made sense to look up when engaging with him. Garroth wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up in a hug. I smiled and held on to him tightly. He walked over to my bed and he flopped down with me. I giggled and held his cheek in my hand. I forget how much I rely on him to keep me happy...

Blonde haired dating?

Oh I guess I never filled you in, obviously you know we started dating right before I left for military school. But a few months ago we reestablished our relationship and have been officially dating ever since.

Ooh! Blonde cute!

I know....

"How are you feeling," he whispered to me gently.

"I'm okay, better that you came to see me," I buried my head into his chest and soaked in the tingles from our mate bond. "You make me feel so relaxed, I wish you could feel the sensation of having a mate, it's amazing," I said.

"I don't need a mate bond to know that I love you. Holding you, even without the sensation, is amazing enough for me," Garroth kissed the top of my head.

I sighed and dozed off for a bit before Garroth's voice woke me up.

"Tired?" He chuckled.

"Yeah," I answered back, sleepily.

"Do you want to rest or talk?" Garroth asked.

"No, we can talk, I already took a nap today," I smiled, sitting up.

An Ultima's Redemption (Garroth X Reader) (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now