Safe Haven (The Great Rescue Pt. 2)

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There is straight sexual content in this chapter. The chapter is over for everyone who doesn't want to read it when you see this sign : ⚠️ You have been warned.

Garroth's P.O.V.

To say I was upset wasn't even the half of it, I was pissed. So mad that I heard a growl escape my mouth when my brain processed what exactly happened. Another man took advantage of her. I looked over her body examining her for any other injuries or marks. I already knew about the belt marks and whip marks on her back. But I was looking for othr marks like signs of sexual abuse, but I couldn't find anything but her the mates mark on her neck.I wanted to kill, I'm going to kill him. I turned to leave the room but felt a firm grip o my shoulder, telling me to stop. I knew i was Aaron, so I just glared at him.

"Stop Garroth, I know exactly what you are thinking, but look at her," Aaron glanced at his sister, my girlfriend, Y/n....

I watched as she hugged her knees to her chest and shook in fear while tears streamed down her face.

"I-" Aaron cut me off though.

"She needs you Garroth, don't leave just to seek revenge on a man that is already on his way to jail. Stay with her, heal her before we lose her forever..." Aaron finished.

So that's what I did, I walked up to Y/n, sat beside her and held her in my arms. I put my lips right next to her ear and whispered into it sweet nothings, jut showering her with absolute admiration for her bravery and her courage and also saying how much I love her. She slowly began to calm down and melted into my arms, gripping my arm and soaking my shirt with salty tears.

"You are the strongest person I know. But nothing else will ever happen to you, I swear on my life. I am never leaving your side again. Its you and me from now on, I love you so much, I can't ever let anything bad happen to you. I have been a bad boyfriend up until this point, but that ends now. I'm yours whenever you need me, and I will never let you go. Please forgive me, I love you so much," I cried lightly as her small arms wrapped around my torso.

"I-I l-love y-you Gar Gar," she whimpered.

We cried for what seemed like hours, but she needed to get it out. It always seems as though no matter what we do, we always end up crying together in her bed. Everything that has happened since college has just been bad. But in four years when we are both out of here, we won't have to deal with people any longer. We will surround ourselves with the people we love and keep it that way. Im not going to let anything else happen to my little cub, I love her too much.

But you want to be closer with her.

My subconscious is always saying that in the back of my head, but I don't know what it means. I already said I don't need her body to be satisfied. I said we'd wait till her trauma was gone, until she was ready, so I know that's not what it means.

She can change you.

But I don't even know what that means......

Aaron's P.O.V.

I left Garroth with my little sister, he helps her more than I can. I miss the times where she'd rely on me to fix all her problems, but obviously not the reasons why she would go to me. She's closer to Garroth than she ever was with me. I'm her older brother, I should be the one protecting her.

But no forever.

I know I cannot protect her forever, but it just doesn't make sense why she trusts him more than me. I was raised with her throughout her entire life. I should be her primary source of comfort.

Understand when love.

I'll understand when I love someone?


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