Junior Year (Start)

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I'm just going to come right out and say it. Over summer, Derek... He uh— He got mad at me I guess you could say?... I'll just write it how it went... :

(Flashback type thing, but written in the diary)

"THAT'S ENOUGH Y/N!" Derek roared in my face.

I made the mistake of being home alone with Derek, not that he has done anything before, but he also hasn't had the chance to in the past 6 years... I was walking home from Garroth's house after staying there for a week because Melissa and Mom were out of town and Aaron lives on his own now obviously. They were supposed to be back by now though... i entered the door and began walking to the stairs, but was stopped when Derek said my name. More like growled it though.

"Where have you been!" He yelled after his loud outburst.

"I was staying with the Ro'maeve's," I answered simply.

"You are ignoring me. I know you are, you are never home without anyone else. If I am here by myself, you aren't, what is that about? I told you I have changed!" He was right in my face.

I stepped back from his tense pose, "Have you? Have you really changed?" I asked sarcastically. "Look at you! You are standing jut like you used to and yelling at me as if I am a child! So tell me? What about you has chang—"

I was cut off with a harsh smack to the face. The force so great I fell to the floor with a busted lip and clutching my cheek. I looked up at Derek with tears in my eyes. Anger flared across his face still until I guess it dawned on him what he just did.

"Oh my, Y/n... No, I. I am so sor—" Derek's face softened and he reached out to me.

"NO! GET AWAY FROM ME! YOU WILL NEVER CHANGE! You will always be an abusive piece of shit! Leave me alone, Derek," I cut him off and spat his name with hatred.


"Don't ever speak to me again," I ran up to my room and locked myself inside.

(Flashy thing over lol)

He hit me. He told me he changed and the first chance he had, he hit me. Then had the audacity to try and apologize to me. But I see right through him. He never changed and he never will change. Neither me or him told Melissa or Mom, but they definitely know we had a fight because we aren't even on speaking terms anymore. I blocked Derek's number on my phone and ignored him if he tried speaking with me. I would always reply with : "You have no right to speak to me."

On a happier note, Garroth is now training under Garte to take over the family business. Apparently that is what Garroth had always planned on doing but I never expected him to actually enjoy it. Guess I was wrong, he loves his new job. And he is making a lot of money, enough that in a couple months he could move out and live on his own in a pretty decent home. I am proud of him and could never have wished a better life for him.

I don't have much to say again, but my Junior year is starting at FCU, I'm still rooming with Tara. But this year Aphie is rooming with us too! We got a triple, which also has perks because the place is huge! My grades are still good, and I am pretty content with my life right now.

That's all for now.

Thank you all for reading and supporting me all the way from my first book in this series to this one! I only ever dreamed of the day so many people would have read my books! Love you all! But most importantly, love yourself! <3
663 words

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