It's Not Possible!..... Is It?

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Y/n's P.O.V.

I woke up the next morning, but something was different and I could tell immediately something was wrong. I felt a pit in my stomach, like everything was pointing to bad news. I became nauseous at the feeling of emptiness, I shot up from my bed and hunched over. I dry heaved, nothing came out. But it definitely alerted Tara who woke up with a start and ran over to me. I flinched when she got near, but recovered from that when I felt another wave of sickness coming to me.

With no hesitation, Tara grabbed my arm and rushed me out of the room. The door slammed behind us and I continued to get dragged down the hallway. Tara pushed through another door, which I assumed to be the bathroom. A stall door opened with a clank from hitting the wall, and Tara helped me kneel in front of the toilet. In an instant, everything came up. Acid burned my throat as it came up, and I felt absolutely disgusting.

I heard noises coming from Tara's phone, she was dialing someone. The phone started ringing and when a man's voice answered she started yelling:


My werewolf hearing picked up on the voice on the other side. It was Garroth...

"What? Tara we haven't even done anything!" He defended.


"What why?" Garroth asked, calmly.

I sensed Tara tense up and shift uncomfortably, I knew where she was going with this.

"It's okay Tara, you can say it," I whispered with a hoarse voice.

"I'm JUST SAYING, that if it wasn't you, maybe.... Now she probably isn't pregnant, but what if Gene didn't pull out?!" Tara suggested.

The thought alone made more come up, I hunched back over the toilet and spilled my guts into the bowl. Tears started falling from my eye, not only from the possibility, but also from the pain in my throat.

"W-what?" Garroth's broken voice came through.

"I'm going to go out and buy her a pregnancy test in a few minutes, so could you come here and take care of her? I'll set you up she all you need to do is give her water and hold her hair back while she lays in bed throwing up into a trashcan," Tara explained.

"O-of course, I'll be there in less than 20 minutes," He stammered.

"Less then 15, see ya then," Tara said sternly.

I sobbed from the pain and threw up once more, which in return only made me cry harder. Tara sighed, sadness behind her voice. I felt her hands under my armpits, lifting me up. She then leaned me against her and helped me walk, but not before she wiped my mouth off and flushed the toilet. I held back more vomit as we walked to the room. She opened the door with a bit of struggle but recovered and walked me over to my bed.

I laid in an upright position with multiple pillows behind my back. Tara set a garbage can on my left and a bottle of water on the nightstand right beside me. I groaned and dry heaved, feeling very dizzy. We head started drooping, but Tara caught it before it snapped down harshly. Gently, she laid my head back and stroked my hair.

"I really hope this isn't what I think it is. Even if so, I will be here for you every step of the way," Tara smiled and ran her hands through my hair.

I settled into her touch and sighed in content. Another wave of nausea hit me when our door creaked open. Tara noticed and placed the trash can right in front of me, where I then threw up more of the contents of my stomach.

An Ultima's Redemption (Garroth X Reader) (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now