The Mall.

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Quick note : If you see writing in italics surrounded by quotes, it isn't Y/n talking in her head or to her wolf, Laxy. It is mindlinking, a thing that werewolves can do to communicate with each other without speaking out loud. Aaron and Y/n can do that because they are all aprt of the same pack. For example : "I love food," Aaron said.  Aaron isn't actually speking, it is the mind link!! Remember this for later in the chapter and for the rest of the book!

ALSO THIS IS A WARNING! Things will get intense this chapter. So when you see this : ***********, that is your final warning to skip if yo don't want to read what happens.

Y/n's P.O.V.

"Please come with me to the mall!" Tara begged me.

"I don't think I am up for that today. Or any day...." I said honestly, mumbling into my pillow.

"Y/n you don't even go out to get coffee with me at the cafe anymore. I know the rumors are getting worse and more persistent, but hiding in the room won't make them go away any quicker," Tara said.

"I know, but what am I even going to do at the mall, I can't even see," I pointed out.

"That's what friends are for," Tara jumped onto my bed.

"What will I get from going out today, beside a bunch of cold glares and snarky remarks about me?" I asked.

"Anything you want/need, you name it, you got it!" Tara exclaimed, hope in her voice.

"I'll go out on two conditions, one: you buy me a white hot chocolate from Starbucks—"

"But we cant have chocolate—"

"I don't care, and two: you help me find the person who left the note at the door for me," I ordered.

"That's going to be hard, but fine! Now you have to come out with me!" Tara was smiling, I can just tell....

20 minutes later...

I told you those white hot chocolates were a bad idea," Tara groaned, heaving into the toilet once again.

"I feel fine, maybe they just put too much cocoa in yours," I said, happy to get out of going to the mall.

"So thing is, I bought you the drink from Starbucks and I already started analyzing the text from the note..... So, you still have to go to the mall today!" Tara laughed, throwing up again right after.

"No! You won't be there!" I argued.

"Yeah, but Aaron, Jenny, her friends, and Aphmau will be there!" Tara said.

"Oh.... cool?"

"You're going Y/n!" Tara ordered.

"No I'm not."

2 hours later

"YAY MALL!" Aphmau exclaimed.

I walked behind the group with Aaron slowly and smiled as he told me what Aphmau was doing. She was jumping up and down all over the place, landing on top of people then jumping around again. I walked slowly, still not wanting to br in public, especially at the mall he works in. I glanced at Aaron nervously, but he wasn't looking. I sighed to myself quietly and caught up with Aaron, not wanting to be far from his protection. I figured I would be fine gong to the mall with Aaron and like 6 other people without my bodyguards. So, I told them to take a bit off and rest for a bit while I was out. I feel so guilty making them follow me around all the time and sitting through all of my classes. They were hesitant, but agreed and I was left with Aaron. My only concern is that Aaron isn't aware that we went to the mall that he works at...

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