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Last chapter! <3

I woke up the next morning, feeling worse than I did yesterday. My stomach was churning with discomfort and regret. Nothing anyone told me could make me feel as though my actions were justified. I felt dirty. I am ashamed of myself and how I behaved. I didn't leave my bed.

It was like he broke up with me all over again. But this time around it felt worse.

I had no ambition or motivation to get up. I didn't eat and haven't gone to the bathroom since yesterday. Considering I locked myself in my room, I never slept. I wouldn't, not that if I tried I could. My body just doesn't allow it. I cry and cry and continue crying. My eyes have been red for so long, ever since I got home two days ago. Regret consumed my body and tore me down piece by piece.

The only thing I had going for me was that my sight healing will take place in two days. Just a little physical pain to top of the emotional pain. But a little more than "just a little". It's going to hurt and its gonna hurt for two full weeks. I will be in constant pain, but I'm willing to undergo that.

Aaron has tried getting me out of bed and so has Aph and Tara. But nothing they do can get me up. Nothing I do can get me up. I'm tired of my life sucking. I just want to be better. Having my perfect eye sight will be the first step.

With my sight I should mentally heal so much better. I can now see people and they can't take advantage of me or pretend to be someone else (cough cough, freshman year of college, cough). I can see people and know they aren't a threat. I will be able to tell if someone to running towards me to hit me or to hug me. My life will improve so much and I am ready. I have waited my entire life and now I no longer have to.

In two weeks and two days, I will be seeing myself, through my own eyes, for the first time. I will see Aaron, Aphie, Tara, Lucy, Melissa, Mom, Derek. I don't want to say it.

But I'll get to see Garroth.

I took back what I said to him a long time ago. I told him I wanted him to be the first person I saw. But I want to be the first person I see. See if I'm as pretty as some say. But I will also see all the marks on my body...

The scar running down my face. The lines on my back. The lines on my thighs. The lines on my wrists. The scar on my leg.

The mark on my neck.

I was never supposed to be marked. My mate is a human, my neck should have stayed blank. Not that it matters. I lost my mate long ago. Silly me thought I had him back. But he used me then left me alone for the same thing a second time.

His stupid job.

I'm sort of happy we broke up. His life is starting to sound like Derek's. All Derek did was work and then ended up marrying somehow. But all he did/does is work and look how he turned out. Who's to say Garroth wouldn't become like him too?

I hate saying it, but I would probably be scared of Garroth if we were still dating. The resemblance to Derek is killing me.

On a different note. Aaron said he is kicking me out as soon as I get my job and my eye sight. He said to me, 'unless you want to hear me and your best friend fu—'



No want know! Shhhh!

I'm just thinkin—

No think. Mental *throw up noise*.

That's a new one. When did you come up with that?


Jeez fine.

Anyways, he's kicking me out and Aphmau is moving in with him. There is a house for sale a few houses down actually. Derek and Aaron already have put in an offer to get the house and I said I was paying them back. But Derek said, 'No you aren't Y/n. I still want to make up for my behavior raising you and over your summer vacation from college. So just let me do this.'

So yeah I got a free house. Fun right?

Sixteen days.
Seventeen days.
Eighteen days.
One hundred forty seven days.

What do you mean one hundred forty seven days?

Mental shrug.

Whatever weirdo.


Sixteen days till my sight is healed.

Seventeen days till I get my job.

Eighteen days till I move into my new house.

And a random one hundred forty seven days for who knows what...

LAST CHAPTER BOOM! I HOPE YOU ALL LIKED MY BOOK. I can't believe I finished another one! It makes me so happy to read all your comments and respond. Thank you all for supporting me and my books. I assume if you read this one, you read the first, so thank you! I am still finding it so hard to believe that this book is really over. It felt like I started it yesterday, but I released the first chapter on November 27th...

No I don't plan on giving out any hints to the random number Laxy said. But if you figure it out, comment. I'll give a shout out to whoever guesses it right! If your comment is right I will private message you to tell you. Please don't tell others if you are right though, that'll spoil it for everyone. <3

There will be a book three! The name is not going to be released yet! I will need a month to prepare and write out the plot for the story. I do plan on the third book being the last book to this series. The prologue and chapter one of the third book will both be released on the same day. What day you may ask....?

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2020!

I will continue posting on Wednesdays! I love you all, stay safe, stay home, read my books!😉
~Listen Taylor💙
1057 words

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