The Statement

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Quick note: if it says Y/n sees something, it is because Laxy is mind linking to her what it looks like, tbat sort of thing, ya know? Ok that's all! <3

Y/n's P.O.V.

"Y/n you should really go to the hospital to get checked out... We also need to go to the police! If you don't tell us what happened then we can't make a statement against—"

"N-no!" My shout startled everyone in the room, including my body guards.

"Y/n, please. He did this to you in high school so many times and now he did it again, we need to lock him up!" Tara continued trying to persuade me.

I put my head in my hands and began pacing in front of my window once more. This is way too much for me right now... Laxy please I really need you!


I know you are there! Take as much strength from me as you need, just please come back!

Nothing happened for a few seconds, I just continued pacing while getting lost in my own head. Until I very suddenly got light headed, it was the kind of feeling you'd get from having low iron. The experience in my head made me instantly drop to the floor. I couldn't get back up though, I felt completely drained of energy, nothing was supporting me anymore.

"Y/n! What happened? Are you okay?" Aaron ran up to me.

"Everyone out of the room except for you, Tara, and Garroth," I mind linked Aaron.

"Okay," he linked me back.

I held my head with one hand and shut my eyes, listening to everyone shuffle out of the room.



Oh my Irene! I can't believe you are really here! Where have you been? What happened? I have been so alone and weak and taken advantage of so much! I needed you, but you left me all alone. How could you, was something keeping you away?

Sorry, no strength to back.

You didn't have the strength to come back? Why couldn't you get the strength back?

Used. Broken.

It was because of me? Because of my emotions?

Yes. Am sorry, no want leave!

No, it's my fault, I kept letting people use me for their own pleasure and you suffered as a result of it. I know you never wanted to leave, and I am so sorry I kept you away for so long!

Is okay, love!

I love you too!

Mental happy sigh!

Oh my, I'll never get used to this!

"Y/n? Hello, earth to Y/n!" Aaron snapped his fingers right in front of me.

"S-sorry, y-you are the only p-people I c-can trust a-and w-who know about m-my w-wolf," I stuttered.

"Laxy? What about her?" Aaron asked.

"S-she h-as been gone f-for a long time. E-ever since I-I tried to, y-ya k-know..."

"She hasn't contacted you in three years?!" Aaron got worried.

"S-she wasn't s-strong e-enough. B-but I-I just f-fell because she t-took a-almost all my e-energy to p-pull h-herself back and contact m-me a-again," I explained.

An Ultima's Redemption (Garroth X Reader) (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now