You Can Have Seconds

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Y/n's P.O.V.

Midterms are coming up, or so says my teacher. Tara and I are currently sitting in our General Lit. class, and the teacher was going over what would be on our tests; Tara and I weren't listening in the slightest, we were way to tired. I yawned and stretched my arms out in front of me, my elbows cracking as they fully extended. Tara stared at me, disgust evident on her face.

"I wish they would allow us to have coffee! It wouldn't be so bad if we could drink coffee in this class. He is way too boring to stay awake and actually learn something," Tara complainned to me in a hushed tone.

"I-I know right. I c-could go f-for s-some caffine r-right now," I whispered back.

"Maybe we should just get up and leave, I don't think he willl care!" Tara laughed, but I have a feeling she wasn't kidding...

"I w-wish, b-but I promised m-my parents I-I w-would actually go t-to classes. B-Besides, s-skipping classes brings b-back b-bad memories," I shuddered in my seat and turned my focus back to class.

"Helllloooo? Earth to Y/n? You good?" Tara asked, getting my attention back.

"Y-yes, I am g-good! I was t-trying t-to pay attention t-to the l-lesson!" My gaze shifted past Tara to two girls who were squinting in my direction and whispering to one another.

"Y/n!" Tara yelled.

She spun around in her seat to see what I was looking at and made eye contact with the two girls. They quickly spun back around and focused on the class. I can't help but feel as though I did something, bu I don't even know them.... Are they talking about the rumors that have been going around? They have been looking over here constantly since the beginning of class. That is the only thing that makes sense.... "H-Have y-you been
h-hearing anything new a-about m-me? be h-honest," I whispered. Tara stayed silent and looked down at her desk, "Tara," I said in a knowing tone.

"W-well, maybe now isn't the right time to talk about this, let's pay attention to the lesson..." Sadness crossed her facial features.

"P-please Tara?" My voice cracked.

"I heard some people saying that you did the deed with four people in high school..." Tara whispered, hesitantly.

I gasped, not loudly, but loud enough for Tara to hear. I was appalled. How could people, who don't even know me, come up with such, such a horrible thing. They don't know my past or what I have been through! Nothing! I wiped at a tear that slid down my face and turned my head back to the teacher.

"And that's all you need to know for the test!" He concluded, "I hope you were taking notes because that is everything that was on the test!"

I turned to Tara and she did the same to me, "D-Did you take any notes?" We asked in unison.

We groaned as we both shook our heads and smacked them down to the desk. When I lifted my head back up, I saw Tara already up from her seat and getting ready to leave the room. I quickly glanced back to where the two girls were sitting, only to see they had already left. I internally sighed my relief and stood up to pack my things. I walked out of the room with Tara and turned into the hallway.

"Hey, I'm sorry this kind of thing is still happening to you, sorry I tried to contain it from you... I just don't want to see you get hurt anymore," Tara stopped to say to me.

I stopped walking and turned to face her, "I-It's okay Tara I-I undertsand. T-Thank you f-for a-apologizing," I smiled at her.

I continued to walk but was jerked back by Tara's arm since she wasn't moving. I glanced back in her direction, unable to make out her expression. "T-Tara, what's w-wrong? And d-don't hide it from m-me."

An Ultima's Redemption (Garroth X Reader) (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now