Y/n's Enemies

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Y/n's P.O.V

"That's her. Sitting right there, did you hear?" Girl 1.

"Yeah, she's only a Freshman!" Girl 2.

"You'd think she would be smarter, she's making her class look bad." Girl 3.

"I heard that two guys were fighting over her in the quad the other day." Boy 1.

"Was it even worth it? She'll get to them eventually!" Boy 2.

"I mean, does she even care about her grades?" Boy 1.

"She probably won't even make it through college." Girl 1.

"Y/N!" I finally zoned back in to see Katelyn and Luca standing right in front of me.

"K-Katylyn, L-Luca, hi," I stuttered, shocked that they just appeared in front of me.

"Is everything okay? You seemed pretty zoned out for a bit," Luca asked, a concerned look crossing her face.

"Yeah for the few minutes we stood here talking to you," Katy chuckled.

"O-Oh, s-sorry," I put my head down and rested my head on my hands, closing my eyes.

"Are you okay girlie?" Luca asked again.

"Y-yeah, just t-tired," I sighed.

"Oh, I understand," Luca said, "It's your first year of college. Everything is different and you probably have loads of work piled onto you right now? Am I right?"

"Y-yeah, i-in a way. I j-just thought everything was g-going to b-be d-diffrent than high s-school," I buried my head into m arms.

"Aw, don't worry everything will get better later on!" Katy exclaimed.

"I hope," I mumbled.

"By the way, I heard what happened with Garroth," Katy added on.

"Y-you did?" I asked, finally looking up.

"A lot of people did sweetie, Garroth is pretty popular here so everywhere he goes, the news is spread," Luca chuckled slightly.

"I also heard the reson why he did what he did. I swear when I see this guy I'm gonna-" Luca cut Katelyn off.

"Temper, my love. I think he was just a little too extreme and his actions were very violent considering the situation," Luca explained.

"H-he didn't even hit t-the g-gut that hard. I-it w-was like s-super strength," I said.

"If it were me I would have completely ripped this guy apart! He was being a total-" Luca cut Katelyn off again.

"Control your temper Katelyn," Luca said in a calm voice

"But this guy was-"

"Control it, the situation is being taken care of and there is nothing more you can do," Luca explained. "I trust you went to someone about this?"

"N-no, G-garroth said h-he was taking care o-of it," I stuttered out.

"Ok, and do you know if he did?" Luca asked.

"N-no we haven't spoken i-in t-two days," I said sadly.

"well now I have to "speak" with someone else," Katy growled.

"Katelyn, I love you, but drink your tea," Luca said. "Y/n, my sweet daughter, I'm honestly concerned about you."

"H-huh?" I looked at her.

"I've been hearing rumors about you lately," she said.

My stomach dropped and I could feel myself pale. E-even my friends are hearing these rumors? What if Garroth has? What if he thinks they are true?

An Ultima's Redemption (Garroth X Reader) (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now