Junior Year (End)

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Katy graduated the other day along with Luca. I'm so happy for them! Now I only have one hear left of college! Garroth and I are still going strong, despite him being back in Phoenix Drop. He is really doing good working for Garte, making stable income and plans to move out of his parents house in two years. I am majoring in law and minoring in English. I have been looking into FCU's options and I have been working over my summers with online courses to move along with my degree. I won't be graduating early, but I will be able to come out of college and look for a job as a lawyer almost immediately. Melissa is very proud of me even though I am not taking over the family business, I have considered it, but I don't want to be like Derek. Aaron is going to be forced to take the business though, which I feel bad about. He accepted those conditions, under a few of his own :

He simply wanted some time to himself, time to just move out on his own and get some work experience and life experience before he sits down and becomes a CEO of our company. Derek said that was alright seeing as he wasn't retiring anytime soon.

I'm proud of Aaron for standing up to Derek. Now he isn't so pushy with Aaron, no more guards stopping him from going anywhere, and no more controlling him. I don't expect to have body guards forever, but I know I will have them for a long time to come. It's cool because Trisha is like my best friend who knows defensive strategies and offensive strategies. She's really cool! Also on the note of Aaron, he just moved out of his classy apartment in the city and lives in this nice suburban house in Phoenix Drop. Its on the opposite side of town from mom and Derek. He has a lot of space in there, and offered to let me move in with him once I graduate, which I gladly took up that offer. I am never going back to that house if I don't have to...

Anndddddd, on a new note! Lucy dropped out of college and bought her own shop where she can brew, create, and sell all her potions and spells. Everyone was so proud of her, K.C. baked her a cake. I gave her the ingredients to put on hold for me when she was going to fix my sight. I could have given the, to her the day of, but I was just so excited that I made Aaron go out and find them all for me and wrap them up individually. She opened about halfway through the year and has been booming ever since! I'm so happy for her!

Garroth and I are still going strong, he visited me a couple times in the year and I am content with our relationship. I told him about what Derek did and he agreed and encouraged me to stay with Aaron over summer and once I graduated.

The cutting had become much better, I haven't completely stopped, but I'm not doing it as often as I used to. Garroth and I had a serious talk the other night about how stressful it was becoming at his new job, but I didn't say anything. I can't be the one who holds him back, so I just let him rant about it and then supported him after. He cried in my arms for a bit and eventually fell asleep.

I know what might happen, so I'm just holding on to him while I still have him.


625 words

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