Senior Year (Start)

451 9 14

"Are you okay?"

That seems to be the question everyone has been asking me recently. And the answer is yes. Or, I want it to be yes. At least on the outside I seem okay, like nothing just happened, like I didn't die that day.

I know it seems they care, but I highly doubt it; Everyone knows I'm just a burden that no one wants to carry around, but they have to. Holding all my emotional baggage and broken feelings.

I hate being asked if I will be okay. Like what do you think the answer is. After everything I've been through, Garroth breaking up with me just tales the cake. I can barely breathe knowing he won't be there for me. He's gone as far as blocking my number and completely ignoring me.

It hurts. It hurts so damn much, and I feel the need to be strong and hold myself up and hide my true feelings. Its not like they can see the tears through my bandana anyways. Aaron told me to keep it on and not take it off because they have been red for the past 3 weeks.


Garroth broke up with me over the summer, I'll just go back to that moment...

Flashback(but on paper lol)

I sat on the couch watching tv while Aaron made us breakfast. It was a Saturday and he didn't have work until the afternoon so we decided to hang out together until he had to leave. Whenever Aaron does leave, I get some of my summer assignments done, but I have already finished them. I usually procrastinate them so much, but I have been so bored and Garroth has been so busy with work. I feel bad because he is working so hard to impress his father and it's taking a lot out of him. We talk almost every night when he gets home, but I know it is exhausting for him so recently i would just shoot him a text saying goodnight.

He appreciates that a lot and makes sure to tell me that as well. But I wasn't expecting the phone call I got that peaceful Saturday morning.

~ Incoming call ~
Gar Gar <3

I picked up immediately and said 'hello'.

"Hey Y/n. Are you alone or free to talk right now?" Garroth asked, voice wavering slightly.

I ignored his unsettlement, "Yeah I'm good, what's up babe?"

He sucked in a breath on the word 'babe' almost like he cringed,   "I'm so sorry Y/n, that this is how I'm doing it, but I am rushing and really need to get to work."

I laughed, "What? You aren't proposing are you?" I teased.

"Just....Let me speak for a minute," Garroth said, but not in an annoyed tone.

"Okay, yeah sure, what's up?" I asked.

"I'm sorry Y/n..."

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" Panic could be heard in my voice.

"No, no nothing's wrong, I just didn't want it to be like this or happen at all," he paused. "Work has been so hard recently and I'm so stressed out with trying to impress Dad and learning how to run the business.... and maintaining a relationship..." He almost whispered.

"W-what?" My voice broke.

"Please don't stutter, it has nothing to do with you. Don't be upset, you know I'm sorry!" I could practically hear him crying.

"Please don't do this to me..." A sob racked my body and the tears started flowing in a steady stream down my face.

"I'm sorry Y/n. We're over."

"GARROTH PLEASE—" But the sound of the call ending cut me off.

I dropped my phone to the floor and started shaking. By now Aaron has rushed over to me and took me into his arms. I sat there and sobbed and I didn't ever stop....

Flashback over

My heart broke that day and I didn't get out of bed for the rest of summer, and when I did it was only to use the bathroom. I didn't eat, I didn't sleep, all I did was cry; all I could do was cry.

Many people tried to visit me, but eventually they all gave up when I pushed them all away multiple times. The only people who stayed with me and cried with me were Aaron, Aph, Lucy, and Tara. Everyone else left me...

Just like he did....

Bam, one more chapter of diary entries! Hope you enjoyed them, I thought they were kinda cool and a new style of writing. There will be maybe 1 or 2 normal chapters after the last one! <3
769 words

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