Moving On-ish

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Only one more chapter after this! :(

My heart broke last summer and I still haven't gotten over it. Every breathe I take, every movement I make, his words burn into my mind. They tear through my body and rip me apart. I get broken down every day and beat myself up over it. Almost as if it was my fault.

But isn't it my fault? Maybe he just got sick of all my problems. I'm clingy. Mentally unstable. Used. And all I ever did was cause issues. I always put so much emotional baggage on everyone around me, mostly him, and it surprises me that I haven't been left alone in the world.

But I don't think Aaron would do that to me, would he?

Of course not, we've made it this far together. I think I forget sometimes that Aaron was also abused by Derek... He's always worried about me and I now realize I never have been there for him... I know he is with Aphie now, but has he even told her what we went through? She still thinks all my scars are from self-harm or from the multiple times Ge—

I shuddered.

No, Black haired gone.

I know I don't have to be afraid any more, but I still feel like he is always there, watching me. Waiting to make his next move.

Aaron letting me stay in his house was the best thing ever. He came into my room every morning to get me out of bed and he kept my mind off of Garroth. It works, I know if I didn't have him here with me, I would never get out of bed and I would just cry all day.

I thought back to all the times he has promised me, promised he would never leave me....


"And I never want to let you go again."
"I will never leave you Y/n, I don't think I could if I wanted to. I just got you back and I need you in my life, for the rest of my life."
"Thank you for caring. Thank you for waiting for me. Thank you for understanding, and thank you for everything that you have done for me," I whispered to him, not stuttering once.

"Always, my little werewolf," Garroth said, kissing the top of my head.
"I would never see other girl when I am so madly in love with you. You are all that I need to be satisfied, because I know that you love me just as much as I do you."
"I love you so much," He whispered into my ear.
"I am never letting go of you again," Garroth whispered, his voice hoarse from sobbing.
Irene I truly love this girl....
"Please Cub, I would never hurt you. I will always love and protect you. Come back to me, you are safe now..." A different man cooed.
I am never leaving your side again. Its you and me from now on...

~Flashback over~
He lied to me. He promised he wouldn't ever hurt me or leave me, but he managed to do both of those things with one action. He left me alone and now I feel so out of place, like no one wants me, like no ones loves me.

I reluctantly sat up from my bed, it's about 6 in the morning, about an hour before Aaron usually wakes up. He doesn't come into my room until around 9 o'clock most days which I am thankful for. I set an alarm on my phone to wake up at this time because I wanted to do something special for Aaron, like get up on my own.

He put so much stress on himself to take care of me. I can't do anything for myself anymore really. I can't cook, I can't clean, its a miracle that I can even walk by myself. Lucinda and Aaron scheduled my eye sights appointment to be in a couple days. Aaron has been stocking the house up with basic necessities so he wouldn't have to leave me alone. Aaron also called out from work for the two weeks, but because of the reason his boss just told him this counts as his two weeks of vacation for the year.

An Ultima's Redemption (Garroth X Reader) (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now