Taken (Stalker Pt. 3)

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Get ready.... Reminder : "This format is mind linking"

Y/n's P.O.V.

Just as Aph promised, we had a girls night with Tara up in my dorm room. I was quick to make sure the doors and windows were securely locked before being able to un-tense and relax in bed. Due to me not actually being able to partake in usual sleep over things, we just played soft music till we all fell asleep. But sleep was hard to come by for me... No matter how much I tossed and turned in my bed, darkness never once clouded my vision. I was too unsettled, I didn't feel safe even though I personally locked all entrances.

I sat up in my bed and turned my head to the direction of Tara and Aphmau's sleeping forms who were sharing a bed for the night. I could hear the small snores coming from both girls and I sighed, I don't wanna wake them up just because I feel weird. I'm probably just getting my period soon. I rolled my eyes to myself and slowly got up from the bed. I just need to check that it is locked once more before I try to sleep again...

So I did just that, I walked to the door, careful not to make any sounds. I wrapped my hand around the door handle and grasped the lock before slowly turning it until it clicked. I shivered as a chill ran down my spine and I pulled my door open. A sigh escaped my mouth when I couldn't sense anyone but my guards outside.

"Is everything alright Miss?" One of the guys asked.

I simply nodded my head, "Y-you guys can g-go get s-some s-sleep. W-we'll b-be safe locked u-up in h-here."

"Only if you insist Miss," the other guard asked.

"I-I insist," I whispered out, closing the door when I heard them walk down the hall.

I walked further into my room and laid down on my bed. But this time, as I felt the sheets against my skin, I closed my eyes and started dazing off.

3rd Person P.O.V.

But what Y/n didn't realize is that when she closed her door, she never locked it again. So it came as a shock to the intruders when they could simply just walk right inside without any resistance. But that only made the two men more eager to get the girl and go.

So quietly they surrounded her bed, one man on each side of the bed. One held a gag and the other held the cloth prepared with chloroform to knock her out. Silent counting took place, a countdown from 3.




The man holding the cloth quickly held it against the girl's mouth and nose, forcing her to breath it in. While the other took it upon himself to hold down Y/n's legs and arms so she couldn't get away. When she stopped squirming below them, they let the cloth drop to the ground and the other man shoved the gag into her mouth even though she was knocked out.

Jax's P.O.V.

Yes! We've finally gotten her, now we just need to load her up and drive back to the abandoned warehouse and complete the final few steps of my process. Maybe we could even try and get Aphmau for Ein...

I hoisted her onto my shoulder and quietly left the room, Ein behind me, locking and closing the door. I almost screamed in happiness when we got out of the building and saw the van in my line of vision. Ein ran in front of me and swiftly opened the doors for me. I tossed My Love into the back and strapped her down in a suggestive position. I smirked down at her before turning to leave the van. The second I stepped into the passenger side seat, Ein took off, racing as fast as he could away from the campus.

I sighed in relief and played some quiet music on the radio, not really caring what it was. I'm just glad I finally got her and now she can forever be mine...

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