In Love With You (Stalker Pt. 2)

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???'s P.O.V.

Tightly gripping the rose in my hands, I watched from the bathroom door in the cafe as she walked inside with Aphmau. I remember her, that's Ein's girl, Alpha Aphmau. I didn't know they were still friends... That doesn't matter though, she looks so beautiful I can't believe I am actually going to talk to her! My gaze follows her movements, she is slow, letting Aphmau guide her to where they are going.

She sat at a table towards the windows, and placed her head on her hands. My Love quietly mumbled some words to Aphmau before Aphmau turned and walked out of the building. I waited another minute or so before walking out, making sure Aphmaj wouldn't come back in, she would for sure recognize me and tell My Love who I am and what I have done. And we can't have that...

My heart was pounding in my chest and my hands were sweating around the rose in them. I held it a little tighter and moved towards her and the table. She looked up, probably when she heard footsteps, and acknowledged me.

"H-Hello, a-are you the p-person I am m-meeting u-up w-with?" She stuttered out.

"Yes, I am," I responded, my deep voice sounding a bit hoarse.

"I-It's n-nice to meet, w-well I guess see y-you again, s-since you said I-I m-met you in high school. S-so y-you were a-a part o-of my pack?" She asked, still stuttering.

Why does she stutter?

"Yes, I remember on your first day of school, you walked into me during the activity fair and we spoke when you first walked into Werewolf 101 and Balto was arguing with Beta Aaron. I was the one who told you what was going on, you were very cute; until you started speaking to Balto and dethroned him as Alpha by throwing him out a window. Because at that point, it wasn't cute..... it was hot," I told her.

"O-oh, th-thank you I t-think," she said, tilting her head.

Damn that is so cute.

"I got this for you," I said, holding the rose out and placing it in her hand.

She grabbed it and smiled, "S-so w-what do you w-want t-to talk a-about?"

"Anything really, how much time do you have?" I asked her.

"W-well, I-I have class in a-about 10 minutes a-and i-it's about a-a four minute w-walk..." she trailed off.

"Okay, then lets just get a coffee and—" I was cut off by Aphmau running into the cafe with a panicked look on her face.

"Y/n! We have to go, something happened to Aaron!" She had tears streaming down her face.

"W-what?" Y/n's face paled and she started shaking.

"We have to go, now!" Aphmau grabbed Y/n's arm and they rushed out of the cafe, but not before Y/n turned back and yelled out "s-sorry!"

I sighed, at least I could finally speak with her..... Even though I never told her my name.

Y/n's P.O.V.

"If you are in danger with this person, I will run inside calling out that something happened to Aaron and then we will rush out of there, okay? Just so he/she doesn't know what is actually happening. I promise I won't let anything bad happen to you," Aphmau reassured me.

"Okay, thank you for coming Aphie," I smiled and I could her her footsteps fading away.

It was maybe a minute or so before I heard more footsteps approaching my table.

"H-Hello, a-are you the p-person I am m-meeting u-up w-with?" I stuttered out.

Why do I still stutter around people I don't know!?

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