A Letter To Y/n

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Y/n's P.O.V.

After Garroth left last night, I couldn't get a lot of sleep, I was restless. Tara came back to the room a little bit after Garroth left, so there was no questions asked or inquiries about a boy being in the room. Waking up was hard and I let out a monstrosity of a yawn. Not long after, Tara jumped up from her bed as her alarm rang through the room. I giggled slightly at her silliness and slowly walked to my closet to get a towel.

"Oh just a heads up, the RA sent out a message saying that something with the pipes went wrong and there won't be any hot water for a day or two!" Tara called from her closet.

"T-Thanks Tara. That n-never stopped me though!" We both laughed quietly and continued grabbing the things we needed.

I held my towel in one hand and my shower bag in the other. Closing my closet door behind me, I walked up to the door, only to gasp and drop everything I was holding. Sat on the floor was a note, but not just any note, it looked like some sort of a ransom note from what I could make out... In a split second Tara rushed over to me, obviously concerned.

"Y/n what happened? Are you alright?" She asked, helping me put everything back into my shower bag.

"Y-yeah, I'm good, just s-shaken," I took a deep breath and stood up, holding the note. "What does it say?" I asked her.

"Uh, 'stay away from him hussy', Y/n what does that mean? Is it for you or me?" She asked me.

"I-I don't know, I am not sure. I was called a 'hussy' back in freshman year, but this isn't t-then. What if the n-note is for me?" I felt my hands shaking.

Tara grabbed my hands, "I have been hearing somethings about you around campus recently, saying that you get around..."

"What d-does t-that even mean?" I asked, appalled.

"Like, you see a lot of guys at the same time," she replied.

"T-That's not true!" I felt a tear fall from my eye.

"I know, but that is what makes me believe that the letter is for you."

I ripped my hands away from her, grabbed my shower bag and stumbled out of the room. I, ungracefully, made my way down the hallway to the bathroom to take my shower. Hussy? W-why would someone e-even say that? Who w-would say that?


H-hey, a-are you there?

Guess not.


Tara told me she went to the RA with the note, but all she did was simply say it was hazing and gave the note back. I don't know why I got my hopes up when Tara said she went there, did I really expect anyone to want to help me? It wasn't long after that, that Tara said she was heading to class.

"Try and get some sleep, yeah? You look exhausted, I'll be back soon Y/n," With that she closed the door and left.

"I c-can certainly try," I whispered to myself.

But in that moment, no sleep came to me. All I can think about is this stupid letter. I just want to forget about it, push it out of my head, but why is it still bothering me? I shot up from my bed and walked over to a few of the still packed boxes. I dug around a bit and still couldn't find what I was looking for.

At that moment, a sudden surge of pain erupted through me, something I haven't felt since Aaron saved my life. I felt like I was on fire, my whole body burned in pain. So much so, that I cried out in pain and crumbled to the floor, writhing in discomfort.

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