Another Letter for Y/n...

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Garroth's P.O.V.

"Do you realize the damage that you caused to this boy?" The dean pinched his forehead in frustration.

"I-I swear! I d-don't even remember punching him that--" He cut me off.

"I don't care how hard you punched him, I know why you did it. But your actions can't be seen as justified, this girl wasn't even physically harmed was she? I could have asked her myself, but you still refuse to give me her name."

"But she was touched by him and he started dragging her away against her will! I don't want to rope her into this anymore than she already is," I explained, but he wasn't having it.

"Garroth," the Dean sighed, "On a police report this could look like an attempted murder, do you understand? You dislocated his jaw with the punch, he broke two vertabrae in his spine from impact with the tree, fractured his skull because of impact with the tree, and sprained his arm upon hitting the gound."

I looked at the Dean, a mortified look taking over my face. D-Did i really cause all of that?... I gulped quietly and cleared my throat. What would Y/n think of me if she heard all of this? What if she hates me now because of all this? I placed my head in my hands and leaned my elbows on the desk in front of me.

"Now, you are quite lucky. I can't throw you out of the school for the sole reason that your family throws a lot of money at this school and we can't afford to lose that funding right now. So you get one more chance Ro'maeve, but if I so much as here one thing about you not following rules, I won't hesitate to throw you out. Understood?" The dean explained and asked.

I simply nodded my head, unable to speak, the Dean excused he from his office and I took no time in running into the hallway. But she was harmed by him. Emotionally and if it weren't for me, probably physically as well...

Y/n's P.O.V.

I was peacefully walking by myself down the sidewalk on my way back to the dorm when I heard footsteps running at me. I instantly stopped moving and flinched, but the steps stopped and I heard a feminine voice call my name. Who is that? I don't recognize her voice...

"Y/n! Wait up! I have a question for you!" The girl called, appearing near me.

I faced the direction I thought she was in and waited for her to speak.

"Uh, Y/n, I'm behind you," the girl giggled.

"S-sorry, w-what do y-you n-need?" I stuttered, a little more than I would like.

"Well I just wanted your advice and help!" She giggled again.

"Uh, o-ok. M-may I a-ask w-who you a-are?" I asked, nervous of this new person.

"It's Jenny, we went to the movies together," she said.

"O-oh, s-sorry, w-well what d-do you want t-to k-know?" I asked.

"I noticed that you are really good at getting boys to like you, I mean you have two that practically never leave your side and one that constantly drools at you from across the room in classes," Jenny giggle, again....

"O-oh, n-no. I-I don't t-think I am the r-right p-person to a-ask," I stuttered, backing up a bit.

"Oh c'mon just tell me your secret!" She moved closer.

"S-secret? W-what do you m-mean?" Does she know I'm an Ultima!?

"Your secret to getting boys of course!" She laughed. Then giggled.

"I-I don't h-have a s-secret!" I said.

"Oh please!" She said, "I bet it's that stutter, you probably don't even have a stutter and you're just milking it."

An Ultima's Redemption (Garroth X Reader) (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now