See You Later

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Y/n's P.O.V.

I eventually calmed down and agreed to go to the cafe with Garroth then find Aaron afterwards. We are sitting at a table towards the corner of the room, we both had a hot chocolate.

"So, you like the cafe?" Garroth asked.

"W-What? O-Oh! U-Um, yeah! I-It's n-nice, sorry if I seem distracted, just w-wondering if anyone e-else is here," I gulped.

As if he could sense the fear behind my eyes, "Don't worry, Gene doesn't attend college. He is in Phoenix Drop working at the mall."

I almost sighed in relief, but even knowing that information, my eyes still frantically searched the blurred room.

"S-so how was h-high school?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"It was boring, without you everyone just kind of went back to how we always were, never making time for each other and always busy. Whether you think so or not, you really held our group together," He sighed.


"But don't be sad! You are back now!" Garroth smiled warmly, taking a sip of his hot drink.

I smiled, following his order to not be sad, "S-so w-who else is here?" I asked.

"Well, there is Aaron, me, Katelyn, Aphmau, Kawaii~Chan, and Zane."

"C-cool, so d-did you have any like, r-relationships, r-recently?" I put my head down, embarrassed.

"No, I was never interested in anyone else," he sighed, gently turning my chin to look back at him.

"I-I, uh-um..."

"Y/N?!" A voice echoed through the cafe.

I flinched and squinted my eyes. As the person ran up to me, I tucked my legs to myself and held my hands out in front of my face. When nothing happened, I slowly opened my eyes to see a very confused Katelyn standing in front of me and an extremely confused Garroth glancing at me.

"O-oh, h-hi," I stuttered.

She pulled me into a hug, at which I tensed up and she let go after a few seconds.

"It has been sooo long since I have seen you! Where have you been?" She questioned.

"I um, I was enrolled back into military school, so that's where I spent my last three years of high school."

"Oh, I think I remember Aaron saying that at some point. Well I am so glad that you are back!" She hugged me again, I stayed tense.

"Y/n, this is Luca, Katelyn's girlfriend," Garroth introduced the pink haired girl to me.

"I could have done that Garroth!" Katelyn snapped.

I flinched at her harsh voice. I think Garroth noticed because he then dragged Katelyn out of the cafe, leaving me with this Luca girl...

Garroth's P.O.V.

"Ow, what the heck Garroth!?" Katelyn yelled at me as I dragged her outside the cafe.

"Do you not realize what is going on?" I whisper-yelled at her.

"No! What?" She snapped.

"Y/n! Look at her," we both looked inside and watched her actions. "She frantically looks around the room like someone is going to hurt her, she flinches whenever someone yells, touches her, or even gets close to her. Not to mention how short she is with her words. Don't you realize? Wherever they sent Y/n for the past three years to help her with her trauma, only made it worse," I said through gritted teeth.

An Ultima's Redemption (Garroth X Reader) (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now