Always Watching (Stalker Pt. 1)

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Y/n's P.O.V.

After Garroth and Aaron left in a hurry yesterday, Tara has been taking care of me and making sure I am well rested and not throwing up on my bed.... She ran out this morning to buy coffee before her first class. I tried convincing her to let me go to class but she wouldn't even let me stand up.


"I'M BAAAAAAAAAAACCCCCCCKKKKKK!!!" Tara sang as she burst through the door.

I jumped in place, startled by her suddenly coming inside the room. I held my hand over my heart, "What in the name of Irene, Tara!" I growled.

"Jeez sorry," she replied, "Grumpy Ultima today," Tara mumbled to herself.

"I heard that! Besides, I can't see, do you blame me for being startled and upset?" I reminded her.

"Ohhhh, right. Sorry 'bout that N/n," Tara laughed.

"I'm glad you find my inconvenience amusing," I said sarcastically.

"Oh don't be so dramatic, TIME TO EAT!" She yelled.

I flinched, but recovered hopefully before she saw, "I-I thought you were getting coffee?" I accidentally stuttered a bit.

She was silent for a bit, great she probably saw me flinch... "Yeah, but I also got donuts!" Tara replied after her hesitation.

"Ooh, donuts!" I laughed.

"Also, your body guard dudes got a letter for you, they said it was left at your door this morning when they came on duty. They opened it per order of your father and they said it was okay for you to have," Tara explained. "Want me to read it?"

"Ah, yes please," I replied.

"Okay here it goes: "Dear my true love, although I still wish to stay anonymous to you, I hope that one day I have the courage to tell you who I am. We went to the same high school together, I was in love with you ever since we first met. Granted, it wasn't that pleasant of a meeting, but I loved it nonetheless... You are so beautiful, and I can't stop thinking about you. My wolf goes crazy over you. Though we aren't mates, I know I will do anything to have you as mine. I heard you got food poisoning, I hope you feel better. I see you in class all the time and I want to approach you but I never have. Would you reject me if I did? Are you still single Alpha? I have so many questions for you, but I want to see you again. Would you be willing to meet up for coffee one of these days? If so, write me a letter and leave it in the bush outside your dorm building. If you do, then I guess I would be revealing myself to you, but I don't mind anymore. The thought of us together is driving me insane, I can't wait to see you again! I'm always watching you, I just can't keep my eyes off of you. The way you walk, speak, laugh, just breath, it all captures my attention. Goodbye for now my love, I hope to see you back at class soon!
~Your secret admirer

I sat on my bed with my mouth agape, opening and closing it, but no words came out. I can't fathom what I just heard. D-do I have a-a stalker?!

"Tara...." I started.

"Y/n, this dude is a total creep! We gotta tell him to back off! You have a boyfriend and this guy is stalking you!" Tara said, panic evident in her voice.

"W-what if h-he i-is watching me r-right now?" I whimpered.

"Don't worry, we are on the second floor of the building with guards outside the door, there is no way he is watching," Tara reassured me, but she didn't sound as though she believed herself.

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