Sophomore Year (Start)

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From now on with the diary entries, they will be double updates, so two chapters for the next two weeks! Yay!


Aaron graduated right before summer, but instead of coming home for the summer or even for a year to get ready to move out... He left me alone and bought an apartment in the city area of Phoenix Drop. I live in the suburban parts of Phoenix Drop, he is almost an hour away, and didn't visit me once during summer. I never stayed home alone with Derek or went home if someone else wasn't there too. So most of my summer was spent with Garroth, nights and days at his house. I know Derek said he has changed, but there will always be a part of me that will be terrified of that man. He abused me for a year straight, ignored the fact that I was raped, and then didn't even know that when he sent me away that I was still being mistreated. My summer was good I guess you could say, I spent it with my freinds and my family. My actual family. I played soccer with Laur and Aphie and Vylad, got over my fear of going to the mall and went shopping with Tara and Trisha. I never really liked shopping, I can't even see what I am buying. There is so much trust involved in it. I just "have to believe" that I look cute in whatever they force me to try on. I don't see the fun in that. I have always been temporarily blind, so it's not like I really know what anything looks like; I know the world through touch. I know what basic things like food look like, and I can(believe it or not) tell colors apart. Hey, I said I'm blind, not color blind. But anyways back on topic, summer was great and I wouldn't have changed any part of it. Aside from my constant feeling of sadness and lonesomeness. It's a creeping feeling that just never goes away.

And I uh—

I started cutting.... my thighs and my upper arms,

so no one could see it...

Not even Garroth knows, he just thinks that our first time was too much too fast so that's why I rejected him every time. But it wasn't, I am fine, I just don't want help. I don't want people to know what I am doing. People get so sensitive and angry whenever they found out in movies or tv shows, so who's to say they won't just pack up my things and send me to a rehab center? Or put me back in isolation. I just can't do that. I can't be alone again. I hate to say it, but it still remains true, a boy is the only thing keeping me alive. If Garroth left me, I'd leave the earth.... He keeps me afloat when I feel like I'm drowning. He makes sure I'm eating and getting enough sleep. I would be dead without him and I think he knows that...

I'm starting my sophomore year at FCU, and Garroth is going to be a Senior at FCU this year. I'm going to be alone again, for two years. He's leaving me, he's going to get a job and buy a house, and forget about me. What if he forgets about me? I can't, I can't... I-, I need him. And— *Tears blur out next part of the page*

—Tara is my roommate again this year, which I am thankful for. There are no rumors about me and I have started my classes, which Tara is helping me get through. As of right now, I am passing all my classes with A's and B's, but I never know, it is still only the beginning of the year.

I think that is all for now...

HERE'S ANOTHER CHAPPIE! ew okay, I'll stop. Lol. Hope you enjoyed the summary of summer and beginning of sophomore year. Are Y/n's doubts going to come true?: Will Garroth leave her when he graduates? Did Aaron really leave her behind? Did Derek actually change? Is Y/n going to pass all her classes? Find out in later chapters! Expect next chapter by the time you finish this one. :) I LOVE OOH!
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