She's alive

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Edward's P.O.V:

I was sitting in the sitting room with my family.

Everyone was talking about everything that's happened today at school even though it never chances.

Rosalie complained about the people, saying how aggravating they were and how disgusting they were.

Emmett talked about base ball and how he couldn't wait for the next thunder storm.

Jasper was congratulated for being better around humans.

Alice was her usual bubbly self smiling and holding Jaspers hand while he talked, Alice talked about the small glimpse of the future she saw during the day.

I stayed silent during the whole thing nodding along occasionally.

Alice was talking about a guy in our school when she froze.

"What is it Alice?" Carlisle asked looking at Alice then me.

I tried to look into her mind but strangely enough it wasn't working everyone started getting worried.

Alice wasn't answering, she was shaking, her eyes wide.

Everyone started running around trying to help her some how but I sat there trying to read her mind to see what the hell was going on.

Jasper used he gift to calm everyone down then Carlisle turned to me.

"Edward what do you see?" Carlisle asked.

I stayed quiet still trying to read Alice's thoughts.

"Edward what do you see?" Rosalie asked she sounded scared but I could tell she was trying to sound strong.

"WHAT DO YOU SEE!?" Rosalie screamed letting the scared part of her get the better of her.

"Nothing" I said giving up.

"What?" Esme said taking her gaze off Alice to me.

"I can't see her thoughts it's like someone locked me out" I said looking away.

"Try again" Jasper said.

"I've tried this whole time it's not working whatever it is either Alice doesn't want me to see it or somebody else doesn't" I state putting my head in my hands.

"But Alice can't block you from her thoughts nobody can" Rosalie said.

"Maybe they can" I said shrugging.

"Why's everyone looking at Edward?" Alice said everyone looked at her in shock.

"Doesn't matter now what did you see?" Carlisle asked as everyone crowded around Alice.

"Nothing important" Alice lied.

I looked into her mind but once I saw it I quickly stopped and looked at her in shock and confusion.

"Why are you thinking about Y/n?" I asked.

"You know her?" Alice asked in shock.

"No answer my question first why are you thinking about her!" I asked getting angry.

"Edward calm down" Carlisle ordered in his usual calm voice.

Jasper calmed me down and I relaxed.

"Who's Y/n!" Alice asked me.

"Y/n is... An old friend of mine" I said.

"What?" Carlisle asked shocked.

"Don't worry she would be dead by now anyway and I haven't seen her since I died" I told him.

"Wait dead by now what?" Alice asked looking confused.

"Yeah she was a normal human she died of old age with her loving husband and they had two daughters and 1 son the oldest was the son she named him.." I paused getting upset.

"She named him what?" Esme asked.

"She named him Edward Anthony L/n and yeah her husband was my old best friend his name was Michael"

"Wait she named him after you?" Alice asked.

"No she named him after her... friend who died from the Spanish influenza back in 1918 her friend Edward Anthony Masen Jr" I stated looking down away from them.

"That's you Edward" Rosalie states being nice for once.

"No it's not I'm Edward Cullen a monster not Edward Anthony Masen Jr who only wanted her happiness" I snapped.

"Your not a monster Edward and... and I need to helm you something" Alice said loosing her bubbly personality.

"What is it Alice?" I asked ignoring the start of her sentence.

"She's- she's alive"


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