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A/N: Howdy y'all It's Thatemogirllexi here and i just want to say to new comers that if any of you are feeling upset or sad just dm my instagram ( notrllylexi ) and i will definitely answer. I love talking to you guys so if you just want to talk to me in general i'm willing to talk :)

Okay now that i'm done explaining that, i want all of you guys to know that in this story the clown thing never happened but something like it did happened. Oki now you are free to read ahead...

Wait before you do that i also want to say that this IS NOT A FACK fanfic, it is simply just characters they play in a movie. I know they have said before that it makes them uncomfortable when people ship Jack and Finn so again, THIS IS NOT A FACK FANFIC!!

You can read head if you find this and it has a chapter already. It won't have a chapter for a little bit today so sorry about that :)

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