521 13 23

Warning: Homophobic slurs and/or life threatening thoughts. Read at your own risk!!


After swimming in the quarry i make sure to get out before everyone so they can't see my body.

I wrap the towel i brought around my body.

My curly black hair hair plastered against my forehead due to the wetness.

I shake my head a little, drying my hair a little bit so it's not dripping wet.

Before everyone gets up here i take a moment to get dressed into my clothes.

After i get dressed i sit down and look over at everyone coming up.

Me and Eddie make eye contact making my heart almost.. stutter?

I just admired Eddie as he wrapped up in a towel.

Eddie came over to sit next to me causing me to jump a little.

I looked over at the little boy next to me and i just admired how his eyes sparkled in the sunset.

His eyes are so pretty... Wait- No- no their not.

I shook my head getting up getting ready to leave.

I don't wanna be alone at home but i can't stay here cause i don't like this feeling.

"Hey! Richie! where are you going" i turn around to see a curly red head.

I feel my palms start sweating and my knees become weak. I can't tell the reason i want to leave is because i feel weird with Eddie.

"Oi there mate i gotta go home to get me work done" i said in a horrible accident.

Her eyebrows furrowed.

"Richie what's really going on? You can tell us anything" Bev says looking back at the others.

"No i'm okay, really! i just have to go!" i say hopping on my bike and peddling off.

"No! Wait!" i hear Bev call but that doesn't stop me from leaving.

I peddle all the way to my house.

My mom and dad are still not here.

My birthday is coming up.

August 16th

It's in a couple days..

I don't think my mom and dad will be back by the time my birthday comes around.

At least i have Bev... Everyone else will probably leave me by the time it comes around.

I sit down on my porch and look down at the ground.

I don't know what this feeling is but i know i can't hangout with Eddie anymore.

I look up and see a boy on a bike.

I look closer and realize it's stan. As if almost on cue he looks overs and smiles changing the way his bikes going.

He turns around and starts heading towards me.

I panic and stand up quickly.

I can't go in or that would just be mean.

So i start walking towards him.

"Hiya Trashmouth" Stanley says smiling.

"Howdy good sir" i said in a cowboy accent due to nervousness.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go bird watching with me? I know it's probably lame but it relieves stress-" He said starting to ramble on. So i cut him off.

"I would love to" i said smiling. Of course i thought it was lame i just don't like being alone, i like being out of my house.

"Really? i for sure thought you were going to say no" Stan says scratching the back of his neck.

I like his hair. It's nice..


Word count: 563

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