398 11 25

Warning: Homophobic slurs and/or life threatening thoughts. Read at your own risk!!


Me and Stanley headed to my house.

We're walking.

"I'm sorry about what happened to your face, it was my fault" Stan said.

"What? No it wasn't. Henry and i get in fights all the time. We'll be cool and act like normal friends but then he'll wake up on the wrong side of the bed and be all pissy. He's been that way ever since i've known him" i said ranting about him.

"So.. your friends with him?" Stan asked.

"I mean yeah i guess" I said looking down.

"A real friend wouldn't do what he did to you today" Stan said placing his hand on my back rubbing it in circular motions.

"I know.. but he knows what i've been though.. we can relate on so many levels" I said looking up into Stans eyes.

He stopped rubbing my back and put his hand hanging on his side.

I slowly grabbed his hand as we walked onto my drive way.

He gave me a soft smile.

We walked inside.

"Don't mind the mess" I said slipping my hand away from Stans.

"No, no it's okay" he said smiling as we walked up the stairs to go in my room.

"I never have people over" I say opening my door.

My rooms not that messy it's just my clothes are basically everywhere.

"Here sit here i'll go get my sketches" so said telling Stan to sit on my bed.

I run over to my desk and grab a book full of doodles i have done, mostly creepy stuff.

I like drawing clowns.

I grab it and run over and sit closely next to Stan.

He puts his hand behind me almost around my back.

"Here, Just a heads up i really only draw clowns" I said giggling a little bit.

"And other creepy things" i said once more.

"okay" he says opening it.

His jaw dropped.

"Your so talented, but tell me why you like drawing clowns?" Stan asked.

"Haha thanks and i don't know, i guess it's the fact that i can make it look however and nobody even has to ask cause it looks like it's supposed to be that way" I explained to Stan.

"Wow... that's so... cute" He said. I don't think he meant to say that out loud cause he looked embarrassed.

"What's cute?" i asked smirking and nudging him.

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