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Warning: homophobic slurs and/or life threatening thoughts. Read at your own risk!!


The bell had just rang for everyone to be dismissed.

Me and Eddie has Science last which means we were on the bottom floor.

We both started walking towards the stairs to get up them.

"Eddie.." i said looking over at him.

"yeah..?" he asked.

"Do you think.. i could.. come over for a little while? things aren't the best at home and i really don't wanna be there" I asked Eddie.

"I mean yeah but you'll have to sneak in through my window" He said as we walked up the stairs.

"Okay that's fine i just really can't deal with my dad right now" i said shaking my head.

"But my mom might want to bring me to the hospital so if that happens just sneak out after we leave" Eddie said smiling.

"Okay" i said smiling too.

We walked out of the school and went to our bikes.

"Can you ride it?" i asked him.

"Yeah i know how to ride with one hand" he told me getting on his bike.

I did the same and then soon we were off.

I followed him and then we soon arrived, turns out Eddie only lives three roads down from me.

I dropped my bike off on the side of the house where you can't see it.

Eddie walked in and then came back out a couple minutes later.

"You can come in, my moms not home till 8" Eddie said smiling letting me come in.

His house was small but nice.

"Is your arm gonna be okay until then?" i asked as i came in and shut the door.

"Yeah, i mean it hurts like hell but it will be okay for now" He said leading me to what i think is his room.

We walked in and he shut the door behind him.

He threw his bag down next to his bed as i did same.

He patted the bed next to him.

I slowly went over and sat down.

I scanned his room looking at everything.

"Is that a record player?" i asked pointing to his Record player.

"Yeah, you can look through the records right there and play something if you want" Eddie said smiling.

I started looking through all of the vinyl and found one that was perfect.

I picked out "Eddie my love" by "The Chordettes" so i could joke around with it.

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