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Warning: homophobic slurs are/ or life threatening thoughts. Read at ur own risk!!!!!!

A year goes by, nothing.

I've been saving up money for a train ticket. I have more than enough now.

Today is my 18th birthday.

Im not going back to Derry to mess around with the losers, no no. I'm going back to stay with Henry.

I know that no matter what happens when i left he will take me in.

He's always got my back even if we get into huge fights.

"Okay mom i love you so much" i said hugging her and picking up my stuff.

"okay let's get you to that train station baby" she said.

We left in the car to the train station.

We got there and i bought a train ticket.

I said goodbye to mom and got on the train with my stuff.

Just 3 hours and i'll be there.


The three hours went by and i got off the train with my stuff.

I started walking out.

Derry looked the exact same. Nothing changed.

I mean it's only been a year but still. I was expecting something to change... i mean the person i was once in love with changed.

All in one year, better yet, in a couple months.

I started walking to Henry's.

I know where he lives of course.

I walked down the old road i once knew as to be Mikes road.

I stopped at Henry's.

Slowly walked up to his door and knocked.

He opened up the door, his jaw dropped.

"Richie?" He asked me.

He still had that stupid mullet.

"Henry" i said.

"Come in" Henry said letting me in.

"I thought you wouldn't let me in" i said setting my bag down.

"Well i havent seen you around in a year, isn't today ur birthday?" he asked me.

"Yeah it is but that's not the point, i need somewhere to stay and to go to school from" i said smiling.

"I guess you can stay here, did your mom already sign you back into the school district?" he asked me.

"Yeah like a week ago" i said smiling.

"Okay yeah let's go to my room" he said smiling.

We walked to his room and set everything down.

"So how's you and Lover boy? Did you guys keep contact?" Henry asked me referring to Eddie.

"Well... we did. Then he stopped answering my letters so that caused some shit to go down with me." i said looking at my arms.

"Oh shit man i'm sorry. I know i gave you and him shit but you guys were who made me realize who i am" Henry said smiling.

"Well at least we helped someone.. i didn't come back home for him, i came back home for only Bev. She had it rough. I know she's having a hard time, i can just feel it" I explained to Henry.

"Oh yeah.. Her dad got killed a couple months ago.." Henry said.

"Good, i mean bad but good, who is she living with?" i asked.

"I think her Aunt, she still goes to our school but i don't know where exactly she lives" Henry said.

"Okay, so do you have a extra bike? I left mine back at my moms" I asked him.

"Yeah i do have one" he said.


Word count: 558

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