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Warning: homophobic slurs and/or life threatening thoughts. Read at your own risk!!


Me and Stan got back to his house and went in.

"Hey mom i'm home!" Stan yelled.

"Okay sweetie" I heard her say back.

I wish i had a relationship with my mom like that..

We walked downstairs to his room shutting the door behind us.

"The losers will be here shortly since it's almost that time." Stan said sitting on his rug.

i sat down next to him.

"So Stan.. are you scared of losing me..?" I asked quietly.

"Yes of course.. why do you ask?" he asked me in concern looking at my cut face from when bowers beat me up.

"I mean i don't know.. it's just good to hear that your wanted ya know?" i asked him.

"Richie.. of course your wanted. If there's anything you ever wanna talk about, come see me. please." Stan said kissing my lips.

"Thanks Stan... this is why i like you" I said kissing the tip of his nose.

"Thanks cutie... also we should clean those cuts again" Stan said smiling.

"sure" i said shrugging my shoulders.

"Oki be right back." Stan said going into his bathroom real quick.

He came back out with the alcohol pads and bandaids.

He sat back down next to me and cleaned all my cuts on my face Placing one above my lip, on my nose, one on my eyebrow and then one more on my cheek.

They are tie dye band aids from when i got beat up.

I look so gay.

he kissed my lips and we then heard a door open making us jump away from eachother.

We sat there on the floor a little bit away from eachother looking up the stairs.

There it was. It was Eddie. The one that took care of me the first day i met him.

"Oh look it's Eds" i said smiling and giggling a little bit.

"Don't not call me that!" Eds snapped back.

"alright, alright princess Edwardo i'll stop" I said throwing my hands up in defense.

He looked at me with the most serious face..

I thought i fucked it up but then..

"Whatever prince Richardo" Eddie said with a smug look on his face catching me off guard.

Okay woah that felt like a knife to my heart.

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