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Warning: homophobic slurs and/or life threatening thoughts. Read at your own risk!!


I woke up to a smaller boy attached to me, forgetting that Eddie had wrapped his arms around me least night as we drifted off to sleep.

I smiled at the thought of him cuddling with me. Not just because it's him, because i like the feeling of being wanted.

I looked around and everyone was still sleeping.

"Wake up sleepy head" I whispered to Eddie turning to face him trying to get his hands off mine.

"No" Eddie whispered and nuzzled his head into my chest startling me a little bit. 

I slowly slid my hand in between his arm and his waist and lightly rested my head on his.

His hand slightly gripped my hoodie.

"Don't you think this is kinda..gay?" I whispered to Eddie.

"Been called it my whole life, doesn't faze me" Eddie whispered back to me.

"Well i wasn't trying to be mean i just.. i don't know" i whispered to him.

"People still bully me for it" He whispered with a voice crack.

"Me..too" i said whispering.

"wait.. actually?" Eddie asked looking up at me.

"Yeah.. Henry.. he calls me it when he gets mad at me. I never do anything to piss him off he'll just flip out on me" i explained quietly.

"I'm sorry Richie" Eddie whispered.

"No dont be. He was right about some of it" i said hinting that i'm into guys.

"Oh- wait-" Eddie said looking at me confused.

"Shh Eddie-spaghetti go back to sleep" i said running my fingers through his fluffy brown hair.

"oh- okay?" He whispered closing his eyes and sliding his hand around my waist.

A little while later i woke up and Eddie was gone. Everyone was just laying in bed but they were awake.

"Where's Eddie?" i asked sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"Right here ya dork" Eddie said coming from the bathroom, sitting down next to me.

"oh.." i said scratching the back of my next.

Everyone left after we cleaned up including me.

I wanted to go home and get ready for the first year of Junior tomorrow.

Tomorrow is the first day and i'm quite scared.

I know i shouldn't be but i've been nervous about my mom and dad getting here.

That was when i heard a car pull up into our drive way. I run to the door and look out the window.

It's only my dad. Where's my mom?

"Dad!! your home!!" i yelled smiling.

"whatever, kid" he said walking all the way in past me.

"Where's mom?" i asked.

"Shes not your mother anymore" my dad said sitting on the couch.

"what happened?" i asked.

"We aren't together anymore! now go!" he yelled at me causing me to run up my stairs to my room.

I slammed my door shut and locked it.

I went to my bathroom and stared in the mirror with tears running down my face.

I ripped up my sleeve looking at my scabbed cuts.

I grabbed another razor blade and slicing into my wrists as i fell to the ground crying.

"I hate everyone and everything... i bet nobody would care if i just stopped talking" I said to myself.

Fuck everyone.


Word count: 551

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