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A/N: This is the letter Richie wrote about love for english.

Dear future self, this is a letter about what you feel about love at age 16.

I feel as though love can be so powerful, it can cause pain and it can cause happiness too.

I feel like "I love you" Is used too often but not meant enough.

Love is a hard thing to get and i hope when your reading that you have found that special someone.

That person that will make ur heart race 10x everytime you see them.

That person that you will be able to have deep conversations with.

That person that will love you no matter how you look...

That person you want to spend ur life with.

Someone your happy with, no matter what ur friends say or your parents say.. well what ur parent says.

Just make sure you don't fuck up anymore friendships fuck face.

And please, for the love of god if you are in love right now, TELL THEM!!!

Sincerely, Me

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