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Warning: homophobic slurs are/ or life threatening thoughts. Read at ur own risk!!!!!!

We got to my moms new house.

It looked like she was doing good without my dad.

We grabbed my stuff and headed in.

"You have your own room with a bathroom" She said smiling.

"oh cool" i said giving her a fake smile.

She walked me over to a room that only had a bed in it.

"You can decorate however you want" she said smiling.

"Okay" i said as she left shutting the door behind her.

I walked over to the door and locked it.

I immediately broke down into tears.

"What the fuck? why did i have to leave when things got good?" i asked myself laying on my bed.

My mom left to bring my letter to the post office.

I sat up and just stared at my wall for a little.

I got up and went over to my bag grabbing my blades out of it.

I honestly didn't think i would ever do this again but here i am, cutting into my arm again.

What if i killed myself.

I'm never going to get a job which means i'll never get train tickets to see Eddie again and i've left all my friends. There's nothing more to live for.

But then i get a thought.

I jump up pulling my sleeve down my arm and leaving my room to the kitchen where the house phone was.

I tried to remember Eddies house phone number as best as possible typing it in and dialing it hoping it was Eddies.

"Hello, Kaspbrak family" i heard a small voice say. It sounded like he had been crying.

"Eds?" i asked.

"Richie?!" I heard the voice say getting excited.

"Eddie! baby!" i yelled getting super excited.

"I miss you richieee!" Eddies dragged out.

"my moms out mailing a letter to your house right now. So chances are it will be there tomorrow or the next day" i said smiling as i talked to the love of my life.

"Okay Richie, anyways how's your new place" he asked snuffling a little bit.

"I have a pretty nice room but it won't ever beat sitting in your bed cuddling to music" i said letting a tear fall from my eye.

"Babyy i knoww, i will miss those days, and you. You are the best thing that's ever happened to me. You were my first kiss and i would like to keep it that way. I want you to my first everything so you better come visit me soon!" he said giggling into the phone.

"God i love you, what did i do to deserve someone like you?" i asked him as my mom walked in.

"who are you talking to?" she asked me.

"Eddie" i said after i put the phone to my chest.

"Ohhh" he said smiling.

"Okay Eddie Spaghetti, the letter was sent out" I said smiling into the phone.

"I can't wait to see your drawing skills." he said.

"Ah, they aren't even that good" i said giggling.

"I'm sure they are amazing just like you" he said giggling making me smile.

"Gosh Eddie stawp your making me blush" i said smiling.

"Well you are" Eddie said giggling on the other side of the phone.

"Okay well anyways, i have to get a job here so i can pay for a train ticket down once a month." i said smiling.

"YAY!! I JUST WANNA KISS YOU AGAIN!!" He yelled really facts breaking my ear drums.

"ME TOO" i yelled a little quieter than Eddie did.

"Hehe..Oh shit my moms home! I got to go but i love you Rich and i can't wait to kiss you all over" he said making me choke on my spit.

"oH oKaY, i love you too Eddie Spaghetti" i said hanging up on him.

"I LOVE HIM" I screamed as i leaned against the counter.

"Clearly" my mom says laughing a little bit.

"He's so so amazing" i said smiling to myself.

"well here are some applications i got while i was out" My mom said handing me them.

"Okay thanks mom" i said smiling and going up to my room.


A couple days went by and i was sad as ever. I applied for work at the grocery store stalking the shelves.

I went out to check the mail, ive been waiting for a letter back from Eds.

I opened the mail box, reaching in and grabbing two letters.

I brought them inside to my room since one was from the place i had applied for.

I opened the one that said from Derry.


Word count: 781

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