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Warning: homophobic slurs are/ or life threatening thoughts. Read at ur own risk!!!!!!

It's been two days since me and Eddie kissed.

I decided today that i was gonna go to the kissing bridge actually.

I got on my bike and started biking.

When i got there i threw my bike down and grabbed my pocket knife out of my pocket.

I walked over to the bridge and started carving


Into it.

I smiled at it.

"Oh look it's Trashmouth." I heard Henerys voice from behind me making me jump.

I close the knife and put it back in my pocket.

"Henry what do you want?" i asked him.

"I want to know the truth" He said.

He's by himself today.

"What? That i'm Gay? Well i'm not" I said standing up walking towards him.

"Well your clearly into guys" He said looking back at the


carved into the wood.

"Yeah i like girls and boys not get the fuck over it" I said stepping closer.

"I fucking knew it! Your a fag" He said pushing my shoulder.

I punched him so hard in the face i knocked him over onto the ground.

I started walking away but then he grabbed my ankle.

"Let go you sick fuck." i said kicking him.

He knocked me over making me Slam against the ground.

"Could you just fuck outta here" I said getting up and running to my bike getting on it and biking away.

Despite the pain i'm feeling on my knees and my scratched face i'd say i did a pretty good job on him compared to me.

I drove home and i saw a unfamiliar car in my drive way.

I set my bike down and walked in.

There she was, my mother.

Her and my dad were arguing.

"He will do better up in Connecticut with me!" she yelled at my father.

"Fine! Take him, it's not like i give a fuck about him anyways" My dad said then immediately looking behind my mother seeing me.

"oh..." I said, a tear falling down my face.

"What's going on?" i said wiping the tear from my face.

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