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Warning: Homophobic slurs and/ or life threatening thoughts. Read at your own risk!!


The next day at school.

Stan met with us all today at lunch.

The whole school got slips to Homecoming.

Homecoming is the whole school, not just Junior.

"I can't wait!" Eddie said getting excited.

It's so cute when he gets excited.

"Eds, you do realize that you have gone to hoco the past two years and that it's not any different" I asked Eds.

"I know.. but i'm excited for this one!" he said smiling at me.

"Oh yeah, and why is that?" i asked him looking down at him.

"Hmm i don't know, but you'll have to wait" he said giggling up a storm.

Everyone had already left our awkward conversation.

It wasn't even awkward it was just, well gay.

"Ohh ok Eds i gotchu" i said winking and teasing him.

"No! Not like that!" he yelled quietly.

We walked so slow that we were the only ones in the halls by now.

"So Eds, you know anyone that ur going with or that you wanna go with?" i asked him.

"Well i wanna go with someone and i know who but i don't think they want to" He said looking down.

"Eds, ur adorable man. I'm sure whoever it is will most certainly wanna go with you. She'll be a very lucky girl" I said smiling up until saying "lucky girl" due to me liking Eddie and him being Straight.

Him of all people.

"Yeah whatever" he said shaking his head.

"I don't think i wanna go this year. Finding out i'm basically gay and shit, nobody wants a fag like me" I said shrugging my shoulders.

"oh stop it Richie, If i was gay i would go with you but i gotta believe i'm straight" he said laughing.

What does that mean?

"Yeah whatever lover boy" I said smiling to myself.

"So now you guys are calling eachother pet names?" i heard Henry from behind us.

"Come on lets go" Eddie whispered, and i was gonna.

"You know hes just trying to get in ur pants Richie?" Henry said making me clench my fists.

"He's just a little fag" Henry continued to say.

"He's probably gonna try to get in ur pants at hoco so i'd watch ur back" Henry said making me flip.

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