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Richie Tozier

Warning: Homophobic slurs and/or life threatening thoughts. Read at your own risk!


I woke up to the smell of cigarettes. Makes sense, i smoked nearly a whole pack last night.

I threw my feet over the side of the bed, landing them on the ground.

I simply got up and went straight to my closet to find a outfit for a nice summer day.. The weather may be nice but my thoughts aren't..

I pick out my black 'queen' shirt and a long sleeve black and white striped shirt to go under along with some black ripped jeans with some chains attached to them.

After Putting the outfit on over my skinny body i walk downstairs. Not to my surprise, my parents aren't here... ever.

My parents leave to go on business trips a lot leaving me home alone for months on end. I don't exactly have a job so i can't really pay for food but they leave me some money most of the time but not a lot.

I walk outside and feel the heated wind brush up against my face making me instantly regret wearing long sleeves... but i do everyday due to my abnormally skinny body.

I walk over to my bike and kick in the kick stand. I get on it and start peddling down my driveway down the road.

I pass my highschool. My mom and dad left me a 20 dollar bill for me to use for food but that probably won't happen.

On the way to the store i ran over a rock and it made my bike fall down causing me to scrape my knee through a hole in my jeans.

"Ow fuck!" i yell.

I sit there for a moment holding my knee until i feel a tap on my shoulder.

I look up meeting eyes with a doe eyed boy. He looks young but at the same time he looks the same age as me.

"I saw you fall, are you okay?" the doe eyed boy asked me.

He has soft looking brown hair and he looks to have freckles. He has a peach colored short sleeved shirt on with tiny red shorts on... they have a rainbow down the side and he also had a black fanny pack on.

"Uh no im- i'm okay" i said standing up dusting off the dirt from my arms and legs.

"You're knee is bleeding" The little boy points to my knee.

"It's a opened wound, it could get infected" The boy continues to say.

"No really i'm fine, it's nothing new" I say grabbing my bike off the side wall.

"Oh come on just let me fix it" The girly boy says.

I take a deep breath in and exhale. "fine" i say.

The boy smiles and helps me with my bike, pulling it over next to another bike. What i'm assuming is his.

I sit down on the side walk and simply stare at the small boy as he goes through his fanny pack wrapped around his waist.

He pulled out a mini first aid kit and opened it.

"Okay so this is gonna burn a little bit it keeps the cut clean" The boy says and i just nodded.

As he puts the alcohol (i'm assuming) onto my knee i work up the courage to ask the girly boy of his name.

"Hey, what's ur name kid" i said leaning back on both my arms.

"Eddie, Eddie Kaspbrak" the boy says as a smile grows onto his freckled covered face.

"H-how about yours" he asks as he puts a band-aid on my scraped knee.

"I'm Richie Tozier" I said smiling at the new boy i had just encountered who seems to go by the name of Eddie.

"Oh yeah i think you were in my English last year" He said quietly as he puts everything back in his fanny pack.

"Oh.. yeah i don't really socialize or even pay any attention to anyone so i don't really remember that.." i said standing up.

When i stood up i realized how much taller i am then the boy. He's up to my chest.

"Oh okay well you should be all set, hopefully i'll see you in school in a couple weeks" the small boy says.

"Yeah, hopefully" i said fiddling with the ends of my sleeves.

"Alright bai Richie" Eddie says walking to his bike where mine is so i have to follow.

When he gets on his bike and i get on mine, before he peddles away i say bye. "See ya around eds"

i hear a faint "don't call me that" and i just laugh and start peddling off.

I hope i see Eddie boy around.


A/N: I hope you enjoy this fanfic so far.
It might take me some time to post cause school makes me busy.

Word count: 819

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