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Warning: Homophobic slurs and/ or life threatening thoughts. Read at your own risk!!


Eddies POV

It's a day till the dance tonight.

I really want to ask Richie...

I-I like him a lot but.. i'm straight. Let's be honest here Eddie ur not straight and you never will be.

I shook my head grabbing my inhaler and taking one big breath.

What am i kidding? I am Gay i've never even had a crush on a girl.

I know what happens to little Gay boys like me in Derry.

It already happens to me.. imagine what would happen if Henry actually found out i was Gay? He would be so happy cause he could make fun of me for it and nobody would stick up for me because they would know it's true.

"Eds" Richie said waving his hand in front of my face.

I snapped back to reality shaking my head.

"You good?" Rich asked me.

Am i?

"Yeah" i said looking at the paper we had to do.

"You don't look so good?" Richie said placing his hand on my shoulder.

"Richie.. stop" i said shaking his hand off my shoulder.

He looked hurt.

He raised his hand.

"May i go to the bathroom please?" he asked and the teacher nodded.

He got up and left, walking out as if i pissed him off or something.

About 10 minutes went by, no return.

He better not have left or he can't go to the dance tomorrow.

I raised my hand.

"Can i go to the bathroom?" i asked.

"Yeah and find Tozier well ur at it" She said letting me go.

"okay" i said getting up and walking out.

I walked out and took a turn to go into the bathroom.

I opened the door and was so fucking confused with what i saw.

Stanley and... RICHIE?!

Him of all people.

My heart broke right then and there.

"What the fuck?!" i said throwing my hand up shaking it.

They both stopped kissing and looked over.

"OH FUCK" Stan yelled since nobody knew that he was... Gay.

I guess most of us are all little Gay boys.

Richie just looked at me in shock.

"Stan?! OF ALL PEOPLE?!?" I yelled pointing at Stan.

"Eds i'm-" I cut Richie off.

"DONT CALL ME THAT!!" I said pushing his chest really hard and he stumbled back.

"Eddie calm down" Stan said trying to grab onto me.

"No! Cause out of all people he chose you!" I said breaking down crying.

"Wait-" Richie said walking over to me.

"Go away Trashmouth. Just forget anything i said." I said balling.

"Stan, fix this" Richie said pointing at me before walking out.

Stan hugged me.

"I'm sorry Eddie i shouldn't have done what i had done i just didn't know" Stan said hugging me tighter.

"Stan i like Richie, a lot. No matter how hard it is to admit it, i'm Gay" Stan just wiped the tears off my face.

"Me too, trust me. It's way better than liking nasty girls" Stan said causing me to chuckle a little.

"I just wish he chose me... I wanted to ask him to the dance" I said pulling away from Stans hug.

"You should" Stan said smiling.

"Nah you should ask him, he clearly likes you better" i said looking down.

"Eddie, he doesn't even feel that way about me anymore.  He was sad so i did the only thing i knew that made him happy, give him attention" Stan explained.

"Anymore?!" i asked

"Yeah, before School started we had a little thing just to try to find out our Sexuality's. He cut things off like the first day of school or something like that" Stan said.

"Oh..." i said looking down.

"You said He cut things off, will he break my heart?" i asked Stan.

Stan simply smiled.

"No, no he won't" he said wiping a tear that fell from his face as he walked out.

I let Stan walk out as i sat there confused.


Word count: 676

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