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Warning: homophobic slurs and/or life threatening thoughts. Read at your own risk!!


It's the next morning and I woke up and did my normal thing i usually do on school days.

I left before Eddies mom got home last night so I don't know how Eddies doing.

I left early again so i could go get Stan.

When i walked down into his room he was already dressed.

He smiled and walked up to me, hugging me.

"Hey bubs" i said smiling kissing his lips.

We had about ten minutes before we had to go.

Stan kisses my lips then my jaw line making me bit me lip.

Then he moves down to my neck as his hands on my waist pull me closer.

"Fuck" i breathed out as he kissed one spot over again.

"sorry about the hickey lover boy" Stan said winking at me.

"Oh fuck, is it noticeable?" i asked him.

"I mean without a hoodie, yes. With a hoodie, no" Stan explained to me.

I went to kiss his neck and he backed up.

"no i always have my neck showing... you can do it somewhere else later.." Stan winked at me.

"Oh okay" i said in a sexual tone looking him up and down.

We walked out of his room, then out of the house and got on our bikes.

We started riding to school.

I think Stan has noticed how close me and Eddie have been getting.

He might start thinking things are happening between us.

We got to school and found the group.

I didn't see Eddie so i had to go to my class alone.

I got there and i immediately regretted having this class, especially with Eddie.

There he was, Henry Bowers.

I quickly walked past him, going to sit down in the back at a empty table.

About ten minutes in there was a knock on the door.

My eyes went to the person that was behind the door when the teacher answered it.

It was Eddie.

He has a cast on.

The cast had "Loser" written on it.

He looked like he was about to cry.

He saw me and walked over to me after handing the teacher his note.

"Hey buddy" I said as he sat down next to me.

"H-Hi" He said.

He seems shooken up by something.

"You okay?" i asked him.

A tear slipped down his face.

"No.." He said quietly.

"Can we go to the bathroom?" i asked the teacher and she nodded.

I grabbed Eddies not broken arm and dragged him out the door.

"Eds what's wrong?" i asked him.

"nothing" He said as another tear ran down his flushed pink face.

We turned into a hall way that nobody used cause there are no classes on it.

"Tell me what's wrong Eds, i can he-" I said getting cut off by Eddie.

"Everything" He said looking down.

"Why what happened?" i asked him putting my hand on his shoulder.

"My mom told me i'm not longer allowed to hangout with anyone and then sent me to get my new meds and some girl there write this on my cast.. i've also been feeling.. weird" He explained.

"Well first of all, i love hanging out with you. Your mom can't take you away from me. Second of all, that bitch and third of all, Me too" I said hugging Eddie.

"Here" i said pulling away from him then grabbing a red marker from my pocket neeling on the ground.

I drew a "v" over the "s" in loser so it says lover now.

He looked down at it and smiled through the pain he was feeling and through the tears on his face.

"Your cute" He said as he leaned in. He kissed my Cheek.

"oh- haha thanks" i said smiling as my cheeks flushed with red.

"No problem Richardo" He said smiling.

I wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Okay now chin up buttercup" I said smiling.

"Your beautiful remember that" I said hyping him up.

I want him to be happy so i complimented him.

He Shook his head and smiled.

"I like this Richie" Eddie said smiling.

"I like making you happy" I said smiling.

He smiled and hugged me.


Word count: 704

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