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Warning: homophobic slurs are/ or life threatening thoughts. Read at ur own risk!!!!!!

Me and Eddie had left the bathroom, both of us smiling wide.

We went out on the dance floor and started dancing.

I looked over to the side and saw a photo booth.

Nobody was at it surprisingly.

I grabbed Eddies hand and dragged him over to the booth.

"What are we doing?" Eddie asked me.

"Photo booth" I said pointing at it.

"Oh yay!" he said smiling and getting in.

I got in next to him and put some money i had saved in.

It will give us two for five so i put in five dollars. 

"Okay let's do goofy" I said to Eddie.

"Okay" he said smiling.

I put bunny ears behind his head and he did the same to me.

"Okay now badass" i said giggling.

"It's impossible for you but you can try" I continued to say giggling.

I stuck up both middle fingers and sticking my tongue out.

Eddie just crossed his arms and looked annoyed.

"Wowww great job at being a badass" i said messing up his hair.

"Okay whatever now let me kiss you on the cheek for this one" Eddie said kissing my cheek just as it hit one leaving me in shock since it was random.

"Let's do another goofy one" i said.

We both made a funny face and then without even thinking for the last photo we knew what we walked to do.

We leaned to the side and kissed again like earlier .

This was a great feeling.

I still don't know if he's gay or not though. We pulled away and smiled at eachother.

We quickly got out and grabbed the photos before anyone could grab them.

"Awe look at us Eddie Spaghetti" I said biting my lip as i just admired him.

"We both get one" He said grabbing one from my hand.

"Haha yeah so no matter where i am ill always be with you" I said smiling at him.

"Okay now what do you saw we ditch this place?" I asked him changing the subject since it was too serious.

"Sure" Eddie said.

We both walked towards the door.

"Where are you guys going?" We heard Stan from behind us.

We both turned around.

"We're gonna leave cause it's lame" I said smiling.

Eddie brushed his hand against mine.

Stan looked down at our hands that Eddie was also looking at and sighed.

His smile faded to a frown.

"Okay well you two have fun, stay out of trouble" Stan said forcing a quite obvious fake smile.

"Wait Stan" I said. Eddie was getting our bikes outside.

"Yea" He asked me.

"You okay?" I asked him.

"yeah.. i think i might like Bill actually" Stan said smiling.

"Oh that's great buddy" i said hugging him tightly.

"I will always love you though" He whispered in my ear when he hugged me.

"Me too Stan, now i must go get my little Eddie Spaghetti.. oh wait! look at these photos" i said showing him me and Eddies photos.

"You guys kissed! finally. It's about tike you made a move" Stan said giggling.

"Well actually we went to the bathroom and he kissed me in there. Then we kissed eachother in the photo." i explained to Stan.

"Still cute b-" Stan got cut off by Bill coming up behind him and grabbing his hand and pulling him away.

I just smiled and walked out to see a small Eddie on his bike.

I hopped on mine next to Eddie.

"Let's go to the little Dinner" I said to Eddie.

"Oki" Eddie said smiling as we drove off to go there.


Word count: 620

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