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Warning: homophobic slurs and/or life threatening thoughts. Read at your own risk!!


We headed to the Quarry.

We were riding our bikes so the air was a bit colder that usually.

We didn't really talk much on the way there.

after we got there we layed our bikes down... well Stan put his on its stand.

We sat with our legs dangling off the edge.

It was scary but if we fell the water wasn't that cold.

Stan intertwined our hands in the middle of us.

"Who knew YOU of all people i would become so close with over the span of a week" I said looking over at him and rubbing the back of his hand with my thumb.

"I can say the same, trashmouth" He said giggling.

"I honestly thought you and Eddie would get along and get close" Stan said causing me to look up quickly.

"Why is that?" I asked

"Because.. I don't know you guys just seem like you'd be perfect opposites" Stan said.

"Like you guys are so different that ur perfect, like i wouldn't be surprised if you guys get close like this.. better yet, date" Stan said looking at me.

He rested his head on my shoulder.

"But i'm glad we found out what we liked together." Stan continued to say.

"Me too, You helped me find out how i feel" I said leaning down and kissing his forehead.

He turned over to me and kissed my lips.

"School is gonna be fun" Stan says smiling.

"Hiding in the bathroom stalls making out, ya know?" Stan said laughing.

"Then.. hiding it from our friends" I said in a sad quiet voice.

There was silence between us for a second or two.

"We..we don't have to.." He said.

"No i'm not ready to come out" I said.

"Okay you don't have to" Stan says running his fingers up and down my back.

"Also.. i'm bisexual" I said looking down at him.

"What does that mean?" Stan asked.

"Isn't it when you swing both ways?" Stan continued to ask and i nodded my head.

"So you do like girls too?" he asked.

"Yeah but i definitely lean towards guys more" I said slowly wrapping my arm around Stans waist.

"Richie..?" Stan asked.

"hmm" i hummed in response.

"When i first met you i thought you would be rude and closed off.. and your closed off a little bit but your not at all mean like i thought you would be" Stan said.

We both moved back a little so Stan could lay in between my legs.

"I thought you would be stuck up but your not" I said playing with his hair.

"I like you Richie" Stan said looking up at me.

"I like you too Stanley" I said leaning down and kissing him.

He got up and sat in front of me and we continued to kiss.

I'm scared someone with catch us kissing but i just wanted to keep going.

"You wanna hangout with everyone? They are all meeting at my house. We're all going to chill in my basement. My mom said no but i begged her and now everybody is able to come over." Stan said.

"Sure" I said smiling at Stan who was sitting right in front of me.

He smiled and kissed me. This kiss was more sloppy and included a little bit of tongue.

My hands went to his waist and his were around my shoulders.

One of his hands were running though my hair that was sticking out of my beanie a little in the back.

"we should go" i said pulling away.

"yeah probably" he said.

"Make sure not to make it obvious" I said giggling.

"okay" he said smiling.

Stans a sweetheart and he has a part of my heart now.

Word count: 642

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