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Warning: homophobic slurs and/or life threatening thoughts. Read at your own risk!!


Me and Stan got to the arcade

We both walked in and went to get some coins.

We got a few and started playing.

We were having a fun time up until...

"Yo Trashmouth! What are you doing hanging out with a fag like him" i heard Henry's voice say from behind me.

My whole body tensed up.

"Stan you gotta go, leave and go wait in the back ally for me" I whispered so quiet to Stan that nobody realized i even said anything.

"Why-" before he could answer i pushed him towards the door.

He looked at me confused then turned around and ran out.

"He's my friend Hen and he's no fag" i said stepping up to Hen. Hen is what i used to call him.

"I came here looking for you to wish you a happy birthday but turns out you're hanging out with some fruit cake" Hen said.

"Fuck you bro" i said shaking my head getting ready to turn around and go find Stan.

Then Henry grabs my shirt and punches me in the face.

Fuck that hurt.

I'm just gonna leave. No fight.

Not right now.

Then he punches me again knocking me to the ground.

Fuck it. I kick him in the stomach and run out the door as fast as possible.

I run around into the back ally where i told Stan to go.

I turn the corner and see a Stanley standing there looking very worried.

He looks over to me and immediately runs over.

"Richie you're bleeding" Stan says lightly touching my face.

"It's fine" i said wiping blood from my dripping nose.

"Hey what do you say we go to the drug store? it's right there so we can get this fixed up." Stan asks.

"Stan this isn't the first time Henry has given me a bloody nose" I said smiling even though it hurt.

"But ur lip is bleeding and so is ur eyebrow" Stan said grabbing my hand making me walk across the street.

We walk into the drug store and he lets go of my hand.

We walk into the Aid aisle.

He picks up Alcohol pads, cotton swabs and Bandaids.

We go to the register.

"Son are you okay?" the cash register dude asked.

"yeah we came here for stuff obviously" i said in a bratty tone cause i'm in a bad mood.

"Stan!!!" I heard a familiar tiny voice yell from behind us causing us to both look behind us.

"Hey Eddie!!" Stan says hugging Eddie.

I want a hug from him too..

Eddie then looks at me.

"Hey Eds" I said smirking knowing he doesn't like being called Eds.

"...Hmm i don't know if i should hug you anymore, YOU KNOW I DONT LIKE BEING CALLED EDS!!!" He said crossing his arms then realizing what's wrong with me.


"Nothing" I said but at the same time Stan said "Bowers" so i was fucked.

"Ugh he always fucks with us, losers." Eddie said looking down for a sec then back up at my face.

"Worst part is that it's his birthday" Stan says then immediately covering his mouth as if he just remembered i didn't want everyone knowing.

He looked at me with guilt.

"It's okay" I said to Stan.

He immediately gave me a soft forgiving smile.

"So is that why you guys are here? To fix him up?" Eddie asked.

He totally ignored that it was my birthday which i'm pretty happy about.

"Yeah i practically dragged him here" Stan said laughing a little bit causing me to just giggle.

"Okay well i came to grab my meds so i'll see you guys around, get better Rich... also happy birthday" He said hugging me

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and rested my chin on his head.

"Thanks Eddie Spaghetti" i said.

Eddie let out a soft giggle.

"stop calling me pet names" He said pulling away.

"whatever you say Eds" i said messing up his hair then walking away with Stan. This time i didn't hear a "dont call me that"

We sat down in the ally and the memories from when i first met Eddie came back.

Even though it was only a week and a half ago it still was nice.

Stan took alcohol pads and started dabbing them on my lip cut and my eyebrows cut.

Then when he got to my nose he just cleaned up the blood with a cotton swab.

He then delicately placed a tiny tie dye bandaid on my cuts.

With my lip we basically just put it on the cut under my nose.

"Oh shit you had one on your nose too" he said dabbing the alcohol pads on it then sticking a bandaid on it.

My face is covered in tie dye bandaids.

God i must look real gay.


Word count: 834

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