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Warning: Homophobic slurs and/or life threatening thoughts. Read at your own risk!!


We arrived at my house.

I let her in and she sat quietly on my couch until i found what i was looking for.

After i found my scissors i brought her up to the bathroom.

"So are you sure you wanna do this? You have such pretty long hair" i asked her.

"yes i am" she says giving me the ok.

I start by cutting her hair up to her shoulders.

I don't know why but cutting hair has always been easy for me, possibly because i has to cut my own hair my whole life.

It takes about ten minutes to cut her hair to her shoulders, then i start cutting it to look like mine.

She has curly red hair so she will look like a red head version of myself.

i snip here and snip there.

It's almost done.

I snip one last piece and then i'm done.

"Wow my long lost twin" i say laughing letting her look in the mirror.

"I love it... thank you Richie" She says hugging me and kissing my cheek.

I just smile wide and my face bright red.

"Hey Rich do you wanna go down to the quarry with me? a few of my friends are gonna be there." she asked me.

"Eh i don't knowww... i don't really wanna hangout with your dork friends" i said laughing.

"oh come on.. they aren't that bad.. plus you need to get out and hangout with people your OWN age" she says referring to Henry.

Bev never lets me say no when it's up to her.

"fine" i said shaking my head and looking down.

"yay!" she says.

We head downstairs and get on our ways to the quarry.

When we get to the quarry there's a group of boys. It looks like there's four boys there.

Me and Bev drop our bikes down where everyone else's are.

I suppose that socializing a little bit won't hurt.

"Okay guys, i want you to meet one of my other bestfriends, Richie Tozier" she said causing everyone to look at eachother confused.

I can already tell they hate me.

"Wait Richie Tozier?" a little boy appears from behind the other four boys.

Is that- it can't be. This is too ironic.


"Oh wait is that Eds?" i asked laughing a little bit.

"Don't call me that" he said crossing his arms.

"Wait you guys know eachother?" Bev asks.

"Yeah, this tiny guy patched up my knee from when i fell off my bike. He insisted on it." i said smirking looking at the tiny boy.

"It would have gotten infected" The freckle covered faces boy said scrunching his nose.

"Oh okay.. well Since you have already met Eddie let's have everyone else introduce themselves." Bev said smiling.

"I guess i'll go first. I'm Stanley" A boy with super curly hair said. He also dressed very nice.

"Hey curly fries, can i call you that?" i said laughing.

"No you shall not" Stanley said.

"Hey there Richie i'm Mike" Another boy said. He dressed like he lived on a farm, maybe he does. He had dark skin and cool looking hair.

"Howdy" i said making a joke at the fact that he dresses like a cow boy.

Mike just smiled.

"H-H-Hi i-i-i'm b-b-b-b-b-BILL, fuck" another boy says. This boy is just as tall as me, maybe a bit shorter. He has dirty blonde hair.

"Hey b-b-b-bill" i said laughing.

"Beep beep richie" Bev said.

She says this when i go to far.

"Hey i'm Ben" A chubby boy says.

"Hey ben" i said not making a joke.

I don't wanna get on all of theyre bad sides.

"Nice to meet you all, don't expect me to stay around long though because you'll hate me by the end of the day" i said laughing and making a joke... but the reality is that they probably will.

They all look blankly at me then start strippin.

"Come on Richie" Bev says.

I don't want to. They can't see my Skinny body. It looks horrible.

I slowly start taking my clothes off.

I'm waiting for everyone to jump.

Stanley is the only one left.

I take my shirt off.

"you coming?" Stan asks.

"yeah you go i'll be down in a sec." i say.

"okay whatever you say" Stan says jumping.

i quickly take all my clothes off, leaving me in my underwear and i run and jump off.


Word count: 771

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