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This is Eddies letter

Dear Richie,

The drawing was- it was just amazing.
You are so good at drawing, why didn't you ever show me when you were here? Anyways baby, i miss you too, i wanna kiss you again. Cause i love you.

I think coming down to visit every month would be great. Yes, it's going to hurt when you leave but i know i'll be able to see you again.

I'm happy your mom excepts you but i wish she did dump you back at your fathers so i wouldn't have to deal with you being gone.

Stan has been hanging out with me a lot and making sure i'm okay.

He's actually here with me right now and told me to tell you that he misses you too.

I hope you get a job soon too because i love you and just wanna see you.

-Soft Boi ~ Reddie-Where stories live. Discover now