Kaleb's POV
True to Whitney's word, she got us all passes to miss sixth period. Although, being that we all in athletics or cheerleading, we are supposed to have fourth and sixth period off anyways. We were all gather around one of the round tables in the student council room. Whitney had all our schedules spread across the table and was examining them like she was about to solve a murder case.
"So, what's the plan for making Layla Kaleb's girlfriend?" Connor says. I smack him across the head. "Ouch!" He yelps. "What was that for?"
I roll my eyes. "I'm just trying to be her friend. I never said anything about her being my girlfriend."
"We can all see that you are into her more than just a friend." Summer snickers.
Running my hand through my hair I sigh loudly. "How can I have a crush on her when I don't even know her. I am trying to get to know her so that we can become friends. That is the whole point of all of us meeting here." I gesture towards all of us.
Whitney keeps tapping her pen on the table watching us with amusement as we all bicker about rather, I have a crush on Layla or not. Which I don't. I'm just intrigued by her. After we waste the first twenty minutes of sixth period arguing, Whitney clears her throat to get everyone's attention. "If y'all are through arguing I think I have an idea." Once all our eyes are on Whitney, she continues to tell us her plan. "Okay, so after reviewing Layla's schedule the only classes she still needs to take are English 4, Government and Economic, Spanish 4, and physical education."
"So, she has two off periods?" Jake asks.
"No, she doesn't. She took two extra electives, but I'm going to change her entire schedule."
"What's going through the pretty little mind of yours?" Daniels ask in a flirtatious tone. Sometimes the two of them gross me out.
My cousin points at me. "I'm going to put her in English 4 first period with you. Every year Mr. Samuel make the class write a paper. The paper is supposed to be written with a partner and it is worth forty-five percent of your final grade. Mr. Samuel has always been a cool teacher and let's everyone pick their partners, but you are going to have to talk him into assigning partners and have him partner you and Layla together. That way she will have to spend time with you in and outside of school."
"Great plan except there is one little flaw." I say looking Whitney straight in the eyes. "She always gets out of partner work."
Whitney glares at me before rolling her eyes. "That is why you have to convince Mr. Samuel to not let her get out of it." Mr. Samuel is a cool teacher and he seems to like me. I guess if I can't get him to agree I can always I have my aunt talk to him.
"For second period she will talk Spanish 4 with Connor, Jake and Daniel. Mrs. Rodriguez does a lot of partner and group projects in her class room. So y'all will have to speak to her and make sure that one of y'all are always paired with her."
Whitney then grins at Summer and Winter. "Okay girls, so this is a little unconventional, but I was thinking because she needs a physical education credit and no one in this room is take gym because we earn our credit through cheerleading and the guys earn theirs through athletics that we could add her to the cheer leading team." Summer and Winter look at each other before squealing in excitement.
"That a great idea." Summer cheers.
"But what if she doesn't want to be a cheerleader?" Winter pouts.
"I've already thought of that. If she tries and talk to Ms. Graham, she will be told to come and speak to me, and I will tell her that she has to be on the team. Trust me, she won't argue with me. No one ever does." Whitney smirks. "She will then have first lunch with all of us. If she chooses not to sit in the cafeteria, we will just follow her."

The Truth ✔
Teen FictionKaleb Knightly, Briarwood High School's own bad boy. But he's not your typical 'bad boy.' He makes straight A's, he doesn't sleep around, and he cares about people and isn't afraid to show that he cares. Since bumping into Layla Davis, the school's...