Chapter 51 ~

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Kaleb's POV

Death causes heartbreak and sorrow for most, but it can also bring peace.

The funeral was grand as expected. Many people showed up as expected. They all cried over a life lost too soon. But did anyone of them know the real person or just the person that they portrayed to the world?

I did not go to the funeral. Nor did my family or my friends. Why would we go to the funeral? With all the pain and suffering we had been put through. There was no way we would go. The only good thing I could say about Scott was he was able to snap Layla out of her mental breakdown.


"Baby?" Scott growls. "You fucking little whore. You got yourself pregnant." Scott turns his attention on me, "She will not be having that little rat. I will damn well make sure of that. That thing will never see the light of day!"

The sound of a gun going off rings through the room.

"Don't you dare talk about my child like that," Layla hisses. "I will make sure you never fucking come near me or my child again even if it's the last thing I do."

"You stupid, bitch!" he says panting. "There is nothing you can do to stop me. I have and always will get my way."

Layla takes a few steps closer to him, "Not this time, Scott. Not this time." Another shot rings out through the room and there is only silence until Layla starts crying.

"H-he's dead. I ki-killed him." she cries as she collapses to the floor.

I rushed to her side and scooped her up. She buries her head into my chest and cries. "It's okay, Layla. We will figure this out."

"Kaleb," she sniffles.


"Promise me something please. Say you will promise me."

"Promise what?"

"Promise that no matter what happens to me now you will take care of our child."

End of flashback

While many were heartbroken over the death of Scott Walker, I am hoping for my family there will finally be peace without him.

To many, he was a good caring family guy.  They were fooled by his outer appearance.  No one knew of the pain and suffering he caused Layla.  


A/N:  So this is a very short chapter, but at least it should answer some of the questions from the last chapter... kind of.

Anyway, this story is ending.  It has one chapter left and I will post it within the next 24-28 hours.  Thank you so much for reading The Truth.  If you've enjoyed it, I encourage you to check out my other stories.

I Will Save You - Completed.  (It's a bit cringy as it is the first story I wrote.)
Don't Give Up On Me - Completed.
Can't Stop From Falling - Ongoing (Slow progress)
Uncontrollables -Coming soon.

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