Kaleb's POV
How can the drive home seem to last forever but take no time at all? I struggle to keep my eyes on the road as they keep stealing glances at Layla. She may be asleep, but she isn't getting rest. She's been constantly moving and whimpering in her sleep.
I'm questioning if I should just turn back around and get as far as possible from a life with our family. My fingers drum over the steering wheel faster and faster as my fears start to build up like a brick wall. She's right. This could be a trap setup by her stepdad. I could literally be handing her right over to him.
My world would be lost without her. While I do love my family, Layla is my life. And while I know that we are young, there is a small part of me that hopes she is pregnant. I am ready to start a family with Layla. I can still go to college and support her and our child.
For a brief moment I am excited and then it all comes crashing down with the thought of her being pregnant and her having to go back to stepfather. I would lose the love of my life and our child. I highly doubt he would even let her keep the child. But I know damn well he would make sure I never see our child. I've caused my family so much trouble and pain over Layla. I know it bothers Layla. I know she is worried that my family and friends blame her or hate her. They don't though. They love her like she is already a part of our family. They love her like I do. They understand why I had to leave. They wouldn't have wanted her to be on her own either.
It is already past midnight when I turn onto my street. This is the place I once called home. The place where I spent so many happy years with my friends and family. Now it is silent and without a breeze everything seems to sit still. It's eerie. I feel like I am in a horror film just waiting for the villain to make their appearance. When I am about three houses away from my own, I turn off the headlight on the truck. I would rather not bring any attention to us.
My heart is pounding loudly as I turn into my driveway. In hopes to keep us a little hidden I park my truck along the side of the house where some bushes will help keep it hidden from anyone driving down the street. As I kill the engine, I feel my heart jump into my throat. The house is dark and I'm starting to wonder if anyone is even home.
"Layla. Layla!" I whisper shout as I gently shake her awake.
"Huh. What?" she hums as she rubs her eyes before staring out the window.
"Where..." I trail off not knowing what to call the place that was once my home.
"Home, Kaleb. This is your home."
"It's not my home if you aren't here with me."
"I am here with you right now."
I take a deep breath in filling my lungs with hair before releasing it. "That's the problem, Layla."
"What is?"
"You say right now. I am afraid I am going to close my eyes and when I wake up you will be gone."
"No Layla." I say before grabbing both of her hands and gently forcing her to look at me. "Don't you even think about it, Layla. You can not just leave me. Promise me you won't leave me"
"Promise me"
Her eyes close as she takes a deep breath in before releasing it. A stray tear crawls it's way down her cheek. "I promise you that I will not just disappear without saying a word to you."
"No Layla. Promise me that you won't leave without me. Promise me that if you decide to leave you, you will tell me, and we will leave together. Promise me Layla Promise me." I beg.
She stares deeply into my eyes, before she leans over and kisses me. "I promise." She quietly whispers. I should be happy that she promised me she wouldn't leave without me, but her kiss felt more like a goodbye than anything else.
It takes everything in me to not turn on the car and get the hell out of here with her. My fears begin to set in more, but this could also be the only chance for us to have a normal life. We need to take it, right? At least I hope I'm right. I chew on my bottom lip before gaining the courage to open my door finally taking a step on the ground that so many happy memories were made on.
Not wasting any time and not wanting to be out in the open for any longer I quickly run over to her side and open her door. She gives me a small smile before jumping out and taking one of the bags. I run to the back of the truck and grab the rest of our bags out of the back as Layla starts to walk to the front door.
"Layla," I whisper yell. "Let's go through the back door. It will be safer." She nods her head in agreement.
I follow her to the back of the house before we both stop at the back door and stare at it. Neither of us have any clue what's waiting behind it. Hopefully it's my family waiting for us with open arms and it's not a trap. I am frozen in place with the keys in my hand unsure if I really want to go in or not. It isn't until Layla takes the keys out of my hand and opens the door that I finally come out of my daze.
"Stop over thinking it and let's go in." She says before pushing the door open wider.
"You're right." I say stepping into the dark house first. Everything is very quiet as we make our way through the kitchen.
"I'm not used to your house being this quiet."
"Yeah, I'm not either." I gulp.
"Where is everyone?"
"I'm not-" but before I can say anything there is an ear-piercing scream.

The Truth ✔
Teen FictionKaleb Knightly, Briarwood High School's own bad boy. But he's not your typical 'bad boy.' He makes straight A's, he doesn't sleep around, and he cares about people and isn't afraid to show that he cares. Since bumping into Layla Davis, the school's...