Chapter 8 ~

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Kaleb's POV

After Layla ran away from me in that hallway, I texted Whitney letting her know what happened and asked her to check on Layla since I'm not allowed in the girls' bathroom. I hadn't heard back from Whitney, but I wasn't too worried at first.  I'm sure it would take her a little bit to calm Layla down.

 It was raining outside which meant we would be in the gym with the cheerleaders today. Our school has two gyms. The first one is a huge gym that is section off into three parts by bleachers. It's used for practice and gym class. The other gym is strictly used for home games for basketball and volley ball.

On days that it rains, and we have to be inside we get to take the first sections of the gym and basically just hang out while the cheerleaders practice in the third section. The guys and I walked over to the third section where the cheerleaders were working on their routines. Normally we wouldn't bother them because Whitney says the girls get to distracted when they see the guys, but I needed to know what happened with Layla.

"Whitney isn't here yet." Daniel says.

I sigh. "She's probably still with Layla."

Connor pats me on the back. "It will be fine. Stop worrying so much."

We walk to the back wall of the third section in hopes of not distracting the cheerleaders to much. After about thirty minutes Jake points to the gym doors and in walks Whitney. Behind Whitney is Summer and Winter with their arms linked with Layla's practically dragging her into the gym. She wasn't kidding about not wanting to be a cheerleader. I smile at her and Connor waves, but she quickly turns her head away from us.

All the cheerleaders' attention seems to be on Layla. Most just seem curious at why she is there but there are a few that are looking at her like she is yesterday trash. Whitney, Summer, Winter and Layla now are all standing with their backs to us. Whitney starts telling the cheerleaders something, but I don't pay any attention to what she is saying because all my attention is on Layla.

The guys and I decide to move closer to Whitney and Layla, but neither of them hasn't notices us standing behind them. One of the cheerleaders ask Whitney a question about lunch and their off period and this catches my attention.

Whitney tells everyone, "Today everyone can take an extra-long lunch. Being that it's only the second day of school. I doubt any big assignment have been given out yet." She looks at Layla and smiles. "Oh, and Layla, you will be joining us for lunch today. We're going out." A huge grin takes over my face with the thought of Layla spending the next couple of hours with us.

Layla frowns and it is as if I can see the wheels turning in her head. I know she's trying to think of some excuse on why she can't join us. We all know she wants to be as far as possible from us. "I-I'm sorry, but I-I can't g-go. I brought my lunch and didn't bring any money." She's lying. Or at least she's lying about bringing her lunch. She only had her backpack with her this morning. It was open when I was talking to her in the library and the only thing in it was her school books. From the looks of her house she probably telling the truth about not having any money with her, but I'm not going to let that stop her from going to lunch with us. I'll pay for her if means she will go with us.

Whitney is facing Layla, so she knows I'm here, but Layla still has no clue that I am standing right behind her. "That's okay. I'll pay." I say causing Layla to jump out of her skin. She turns around and I can tell she is immediately uncomfortable.

"Great! Kaleb's paying." Whitney says smirking at me. Had I not offered to pay I know Whitney would have offered to pay for Layla.  She wasn't going to let Layla get away from us that easily either.

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