Chapter 26 ~

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Kaleb's POV

During dinner I was a little worried when I saw Lizzy's mother talk to my mom and point at Layla. Layla must have seen her talking to my mom too, because she sunk in her seat and stayed quiet. Layla didn't eat much of her dinner due to her worrying about what my parents would say. "You have nothing to worry about. I promise, Layla." I say trying to reassure that everything was going to be okay.

"They're not going to be mad you, and by some off chance they are you can come and stay with me for a few nights." Whitney says trying to calm her down, but instead it ended up freaking her out more.

"W-What if they want to kick me out now? Where will I go?" Layla hides her face in her hands. "Why was I so stupid?"

Connor starts laughing, and we all stare at him. This isn't the time for him to be making jokes while Layla is so upset. "Layla, they would never ever kick you out. Do you not see how all of our parents look at you?" Layla looks up at Connor and wipes away a stray tear that has fallen before shaking her head. "Our parents love you. We all love you. Kaleb's parents would never even dream of kicking you out and trust me when I say we wouldn't let them." He says smiling genuinely at her.

"Really?" Layla says looking at all of us. It's times like this that I am reminded how broken she is. Never in a billion years would I be worried about being kicked out of my home and not being loved. Sure, I could end up grounded or something like that, but that's nothing compared to the fears that Layla has.

I grab her hand and give it a tight squeeze. "We all love you, our parents included. I promise." I say and everyone agrees. Layla gives us a small smile and tries to calm herself down.

I'm about to ask her if she wants to dance when my mom appears out of nowhere. "Layla, may I speak to you in private?"

Layla looks petrified, but I give her hand reassuring squeeze before she stands up to follow my mom. To be honest, I'm a little scared too. My dad keeps staring at me giving me an unreadable look. Once my mom and Layla is out of earshot I look back at my friends. "My parents wouldn't kick her out, right?" I gulp.

Everyone is silent for a moment. "O-of course not." Whitney says, but her voice holds a worriedness to it.

"Well, if you parents kick her by some weird chance, I know my parents would take her in, in a heartbeat.  They've always wanted a daughter and they keep saying how they wish she would live with us." Daniel says reassuringly.

"That's great and all, but I don't want her to move out." I growl causing all of my friends to laugh at me.

"Because someone is in love. Just admit it." Jake laughs.

"Shut up." I mumble only causing my friends to laugh more.

As the music plays more and more people make their way onto the dance floor. Knowing my friends want to dance, I tell them to go ahead while I wait for Layla. I figured it would probably be best if they weren't here when she returns anyways incase, she is upset. I watch my friends dance as I wait for Layla, I can't help but laugh at Winter and Connor. This isn't like a school dance where they play music that we listen too. All of the music is classical. Most of the people are older rich people who like to gently sway back and forth with their partner, but then you have Connor who is acting like he at some sort of rock concert jumping up and down like a crazed maniac. Poor Winter looks mortified. As I'm laughing, someone comes over and taps me on the shoulder. "Wanna dance?" The moment I hear her voice I cringe.

I turn in my seat to come face to face with Lizzy. "I already told you I have a date." I say through gritted teeth.

Lizzy smirks at me and bats her eyelashes several times. "I doubt you date is still here after what she did to my mom. It's okay though, Kaleb. I'm not mad at you. I know you had nothing to do with it. It was that poor excuse of a girl you brought. My mom said that your parents forced you to take her as your date because they pity her."

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