Chapter 14 ~

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Kaleb's POV

"Dinner's ready." My mom yells from the bottom of the stairs.

It's unusual for us to not all run down the stairs, but we are worried about Layla. We walk into the kitchen and my mom has six places set. "I think you're forgetting some people, mom."

"No, the girls are eating in Layla's room. She's has a traumatic day and doesn't want to leave her room." I look at my mom with a worry expression, as do my friends. "Boys don't worry. She'll be fine, but you have to see it from her point of view. She's been hiding this secret of being abused for so long and hasn't had trust in anyone for years. She's gone from no one knowing anything to seven of her classmates that she barely knows finding out some of her biggest secrets in a matter of hours. She's ashamed and embarrassed."

"But, Abby, she shouldn't feel that way. Her dad is to blame." Daniel says.

"You're right." My dad says joining use at the dinner table. "But that doesn't mean that's how she feels. I wouldn't doubt that her dad has told her countless of times that it's her fault or that she's worthless. You can just tell by how low herself esteem is." My dad tightens his jaw. This whole mess is bothering him as much has it is bothering me. "I'm sure Kaleb's mom has already told y'all that you will all be staying home from school tomorrow. My wife and I will be meeting with your parents to explain this whole situation with Layla. The more people she has on her side the better it will be. It will also help us with whatever step we decide to take next."

My dad takes a bite of his pizza and continues speaking. "By no means are any of you allowed outside of this house tomorrow unless it is with Abby, I or your parents. We don't know how dangerous Layla's dad is and I wouldn't be surprise if he starts looking for her with how long she's been gone. There really isn't a reason why he would come looking here for her, but I still don't want to take any chances."

"Yes sir." We all say in unison.

"Also," my mom chimes in. "I don't want Layla to be alone unless she's using the restroom or changing clothes. Of course, the girls will be with her most of the time, but just in case they aren't, I want one of you to be with her. No asking her questions about her home life though. Let her tell you when she's ready. And Connor," She says glaring at him. "Don't say anything inappropriate to her. We all know how big your ego is but it can be a bit much for someone who isn't used to it."

"You hurt me, Abby." Connor pretend pouts.

Once dinner is finish, we decide we will watch a movie in the movie room. "Should we invite the girls?" Jake ask as he starts popping popcorn.

"I was planning on it. Maybe it could be a distraction for her. What movie should we watch?  I don't think it should be horror." I say, before I run up the stairs to Layla's room.

As soon as I am in front of her door, I knock on it. Within a couple of seconds Whitney opens the door and slips into the hallway. "What do you need?" She asks sounding stressful.

"The guys and I are going to watch a moving and thought y'all might want to join."

"Thanks, but I don' think that is such a good idea. Layla has completely shutdown on us. There is no possible way she would want to go downstairs and watch a movie."

"Let me try talking to her, okay? If anything, you, Winter and Summer can at least go watch the movie and I'll stay with her. You look beyond stress and we wouldn't want you to get aggravated with her because your stressed out."

"Fine, we'll go, but if you need me for any reason, text me."

"I will. Give us about fifteen minutes and if we aren't in the movie room by then than y'all can start it without us."

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