Chapter 44~

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"I'm not-" but before I can say anything there is an ear-piercing scream.

Kaleb's POV

My heart jumps into my throat as my thoughts frantically think of ways to get me and Layla out of her. The room is still pitched black until the lights are suddenly turned on blinding me. My eyes are still trying to adjust when I hear a family voice. "For fuck's sake Conner, are trying to wake up the whole damn neighborhood." An unamused Whitney says with her arms crossing her chest.

Layla is trying her hardest not to laugh while Conner is sitting on the floor blushing in embarrassment. As everything slowly starts to click in my head, I turn to Layla. "So that wasn't you who screamed?"

"Nope." She says popping the 'p'. "That would be your best friend who bumped into me in the dark.

Conner glares at her, "Why the hell did you not tell us y'all were coming back? I thought it was her stepdad or brother trying to break in." He seethes as he points at Layla.

"LAYLA! KALEB!" My mom shouts before shoving past me and hugging my girlfriend. I knew she loved my girlfriend more than me. I chuckle to myself. Mere seconds later my dad followed by two strangers walk into the kitchen.

The whole room goes silent as the man who came in behind my father just stares at Layla. This has to be Layla's dad. She resembles him so much. Her eyes, nose, and hair color before she had dyed it. No one in the room moves. It's as if someone has placed a spell on us and kept us frozen in time. Until the woman beside the man walks over to Layla and cups her face. "You're even more beautiful than I had imagined." She turns and looks at the man who is still frozen in place. "Adam, she looks just like you." She grins with a huge smile as tears trickle down her face. Turning back to Layla, she engulfs her in a hug.

"Hi?" Layla questions as she is still engulfed in the hug. "W-who are you?"

"Oh." The lady laughs nervously. She stops hugging Layla and gently holds her hands in her own. "I'm Annie, your dad's wife." Annie turns to look at her husband, "Are you not going to say hello to your daughter?"

The man shakes his head as if he is snapping out of a daze and walks over to Layla. He stands in front of her with a waterfall of tears coming from his eyes. "They said you died. I thought I was never going to see, but you are here. YOU ARE HERE!" He exclaims in excitement as he picks Layla up in a hug and spins her arounds. "My daughter is here!"

By the time he puts Layla's down her eyes are glistening with water. Her eyes trail down the man's face as she studies him closely. "Y-you're my father? H-how?"

"I'm," the man sighs, "I'm so sorry that I haven't been there for you, Sweetheart. They told me you were in an accident. They told me you didn't make it."

"I-it's okay." She stutters softly.

"No, it's not. I should have verified that they were telling the truth. Please forgive me for failing you as a parent."

The confusion on Layla's face is too much for me to bear. As I start to walk over to her my mom stops me. "Come on Kaleb. Let's give them some time alone."

"But mom," I protest.

"Kaleb," she says sternly. "They need some time alone."

"But-" but before I can say anything else my mom drags me out of the room. Not having Layla in my eyesight is more than I can bear. She has been with me every moment since we left my family. I don't know those people in there with her. Sure, the guy may look like Layla, but it could still be a trap. "Mom, you don't understand. I need to be in there with her. What if they aren't who they say they are? What if this is a trap setup by her dad? How did they even find you? Why wasn't he looking for his daughter beforehand?"

"Son" my dad says forcefully as he hangs onto me.

The fear in my head is too much for me to take as I fight to get out of my father's grip and without thinking I say something I shouldn't have said. "No! No! Don't son me or anything else. I have to be with Layla and our child."

The room falls silent and it is now that I am noticing that Layla, Annie and the guy who claims to be her dad is standing in the room. Fuck Everyone's eyes keep darting between me and Layla until she burst into tears and runs upstairs.

"Great going idiot." Whitney says, rolling her eyes before going after laying.

As Whitney disappears out of sight, I can feel my parents and Layla's dad and stepmom's eyes burning a hole in me. The easiest person to face is my mom so I turned to look at her. Sighing she takes a deep breath, "Pregnant Kaleb? Are you telling me Layla is pregnant?"

I scratch the back of my neck nervously. Everyone is staring at me and I want nothing more than for the ground to open up and swallow me whole. We should have never come home. "I- um... well you see."

"Kaleb, quit stuttering and tell us if she is pregnant or not." My mom demands.

"We don't know." I sigh.

"You don't know?" My dad says with a look of confusion on his face. "Care to explain."

I make eye contact with my parents and Layla's. "She um... her monthly friend hasn't visited her in awhile."

Layla's dad looks at me and clears his throat nervously. "So, you and my daughter have been," he trails offs before clearing his throat once again, "close?"

I stand straight. She may be his daughter, but I love her and will do anything to protect her. "Yes sir, we've been close. I love Layla and would never do anything to hurt her."

He shakes his slightly like he's trying to figure out what to say. "W-while I don't approve of you and my daughter being close. I guess there is nothing that can be done now about it. I do trust you with her though. Your family told me what all you gave up to protect her and I can't thank you enough. I can't thank any of you enough."

With not being sure how to respond I bite the inside of my cheeks before excusing myself. "I'm going to go check on Layla." I say running upstairs before anyone can try and stop me.

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